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Home Page>>Conferences>>2014 Conferences>>Higher Education Institutions Leaders Symposium

Higher Education Institutions Leaders: An Annual International Symposium, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece.


Call for Presentations and Participation

Organizing Committee

Abstract and Paper Acceptance Policy

Participation Submitting Form for Presenters and Discussants

Registration for Attendees

Registration for Presenters and Discussants

Provisional Program

Provisional List of Papers to be Presented

Social Program


Venue Details

Visa Requirements


Advertising, Promotion and Sponsorship Opportunities

Book Publications on Education Issues

Co-Organizers and Sponsors


Provisional Program

Information for Participants

Conference Venue: Titania Hotel Address: 52 Panepistimiou Avenue, 106 78 Athens, Greece & Polis Grant Hotel Address: 19 Patision and 10 Veranzerou St., 104 32 Athens, Greece.

(As we state in our policy, both hotels will be used due to high demand)


Academic members responsible for the symposium:

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President, ATINER.

Dr. Chris Sakellariou (C.V.), Vice President of Finance, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.

Dr. Nicholas Pappas (C.V.), Vice President of Academics, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

Dr. Panagiotis Petratos (C.V.), Vice President of ICT, ATINER & Associate Professor of Computer Information Systems, California State University, Stanislaus, USA.

Dr. George Poulos (C.V.), Vice President of Research, ATINER & Emeritus Professor, University of South Africa, South Africa.

Dr. Sharon Claire Bolton (C.V.), Professor of Organizational Analysis - Director of Research, The Management School, University of Stirling, Scotland & Head, Management Research Unit, Athens Institute for Education and Research (ATINER).

Dr. Thanos Patelis (C.V.), Head, Psychology Research Unit, ATINER & Vice President of Research and Analysis, The College Board, USA.

Important dates:

Deadline to submit proposals: 1 April 2014 (Decisions are reached in less than 4 weeks after the abstract submission)

Deadline to register without a presentation: At least one month before the conference subject to approval.

This symposium will be organized in parallel with the 16th Annual International Conference on Education, 19-22 May 2014, Athens, Greece.

Program of Previous Annual International Conferences


Abstract Book