11th International Conference on Education


25-28 May 2009

Athens, Greece



Sponsored by the Education Research Unit of the





Conference Venue: Metropolitan Hotel, 385 Syngrou Ave., 175 64, Athens, Greece


Organized by: ATINEP A.E. (atinerae@atiner.gr)

Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka


  Organizing and Scientific Committee

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.

Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

Dr. Leslie Stuart Woodcock, Academic Member, ATINER & School of Education, University of Leeds, UK.

Dr. Margarita Kefalaki, Instructor, Department of Tourism of the Technological Institute of Piraeus & Department of Commerce and Advertising of the Technological Institute of Lamia & Researcher, ATINER.

Dr. Mary Ann Vimont, Associate Professor, University of Kentucky, USA.

Dr. John Roufagalas, Professor, Troy University, USA & Academic Member, ATINER.

Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Secretary, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang University, Singapore.

Dr. Annabel Droussiotis, Academic Member, ATINER & Assistant Professor, Intercollege, Cyprus.

Dr. Stephen James Hole, Academic Member, ATINER & Senior Lecturer, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, U.K.

Mr. Van Wyk, Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.

Dr. Effie Papoutsis-Kritikos, Assistant Professor, Northeastern Illinois University, USA.

Dr. Gilda Socarras, Assistant Professor, Auburn University, USA.

Dr. Phoebe Constantinou, Assistant Professor, Ithaca College, USA.

Dr. Gregory A. Katsas, Associate Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.

Dr. Dipane Hlalele, Senior Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.

Dr. Maria Konstantaki, Lecturer, Buckinghamshire New University, U.K.

Dr. Gregory Alexander, Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa.

Mr. Christos Frantzeskakis, Researcher, ATINER.


Sunday, May 24th, 2009

18:00-19:00, Pre-Registration, Conference Hotel Reception


Monday, May 25th, 2009

08:30-09:30 Registration

09:30-10:00 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER, Greece


10:00-12:00 Monday, May 25th, 2009 (sessions include at least 10 minutes break)

SESSION I (ROOM A) - Teacher Education

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

Middleton, V., Professor, University of Northern Colorado, USA. Valuing Small N’s in Education Research: Examining Privilege via International Teacher Education.

Domnwachukwu, C., Chair, Azusa Pacific University, USA. Teacher Retention and the California Teacher Internship Programs.

Lennertz, J., Associate Professor, Lafayette College, Germany & Hornfeck, W., Professor, Lafayette College, Germany. Engineering and Law as Learned Professions: Fiduciary Service in Pursuit of Public Purpose. (Monday, May 25th, 2009, morning)

*Sutcliffe, N., Strategic Leader, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK. Redesigning the Masters level continuing Professional Development Curriculum for Teachers – Rigour and Relevance in Professional Learning.

Guler, T., Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey, Yilmaz, A., Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Kargi, E. School Psychologist, Turkey. Turkish Pre-Service Teachers' Perspectives on the Student Teaching Practicum.

Combrinck, M., Lecturer, University of KwaZulu, South Africa & Van Wyk, M., Lecturer, University of KwaZulu, South Africa. Professional Practicum in Two Rural Schools: Expectations and Experiences of Teachers.

SESSION II (ROOM B) - Language Teaching & Learning—Reading and Writing in Native Languages

Chair: Kefalaki, M., Researcher, ATINER

Meadows, F., Goizueata Endowed Professor, Kennesaw State University, USA. Why Johnny Can’t Read and What You Can Do About It.

Demos, E., Professor, Central Connecticut University, USA. Accreditation in Reading Education: A National Perspective.

Anthony, J., Associate Professor, University of TX Health Science Center, USA. Effects of Two Large Scale Shared Reading Interventions on Preschool Children’s Language and Literacy.

Isabelle, C., Associate Professor, University of Ottawa, Canada & Meunier, H., Ph.D. Student, University of Quebec, Canada. A New Generation of Francophones School Principals: General Competencies and Competencies to Promote French.

Erdogan, T., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Erkul, O., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Views of Teachers, Student Teachers and Students about Italic Cursive Handwriting.

Constantinou, E., Ph.D. Student, University of Leicester, UK. The Cypriot Dialect in the Greek Language Lesson: A Case Study of its Effects on Students in two State Schools in Cyprus.


SESSION III (ROOM C) - Educational Policy and Management

Chair: Papanikos, G.T., Director, ATINER.

Bassendowski, S., Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada & Petrucka, P., Associate Professor, University of Saskatchewan, Canada. Opening Portals for Educational Possibilities.

Battraw, J., Professor, Indiana University East, USA & Watkins, M., Dean, Indiana University East, USA. Restructuring Secondary Education Programs to Meet 21st Century Realities.

Justin, J., Head, Educational Research Institute, Slovenia. Pupils’ Knowledge of Ecosystems Under Stress-Findings from the Latest International Research Project. (Monday, May 25th, 2009, morning)

Al-Mazkour M., Assistant Professor, Kuwait University, Quality Management in Kawaiti Public School Administrations.

Hvorecky J., Professor, College of Management, Slovakia, Berka, P., Professor, The Institute of Finance and Administration, Czech Republic, Mikkonen, I., Senior Lecturer, Oulu University of Applied Sciences, Finland, Tamacevicius, V., Associate Professor, Vilnius University, Lithuania, & Lichardus, B., Rector, College of Management, Slovakia. International Endeavor toward Knowledge Management Education.

Sanz, M., Project Manager, IFFP, Switzerland. How Design-Based Research Can Increase Efficiency in Education.



12:00-14:00 Monday, May 25th, 2009
SESSION IV (ROOM A)-Higher Education

Chair: *Sutcliffe, N., Strategic Leader, Leeds Metropolitan University, UK.

Patelis, T., Vice President, The College Board, USA, Camara, W., Vice President, The College Board, USA & Wiley, A., Director, The College Board, USA. Efforts to Define College Readiness in the United States.

Baker, I.B., Professor of Education, Georgia Perimeter College, USA. The Role of the Two-Year College in Teacher Education Reflections on an NCATE Study to Recruit and  Retain Minorities.

Marta, M., Ph.D. Student, Zurich University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland. Governing Education System: Policies on Eligibility.

Pike, A., Tutor, Liverpool John Moores University, U.K. Crossing the Divine: The Transition Experiences of Students Progressing from Foundation Degrees in Further Education Colleges to the Final Year of an Honours Degree in a Post – 1992 University.

Stetter, M., Assistant Professor, Roosevelt University, USA. Plagiarism Perceptions.

Tasgin, O., Assistant Professor, Karamanoglu Mehmet Bey University, Turkey. A Study on the Styles of University Students’ Coping With Stress Styles: Selçuk University Sample.

SESSION V (ROOM B) – ICT in Teaching and Learning

Chair: Demos, E., Professor, Central Connecticut University, USA.

Sanchez-Villalon, P.P., Professor, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain, Ortega, M., Professor, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain & Sanchez-Villalon, A., Lecturer, University of Castilla La Mancha, Spain. Personal eLearning Design Enhanced with Frameworks, ePortfolio and eDossier Facilities.

Kinuthia, W., Professor, Georgia State University, USA & Marshall, S., Professor & Director, University of the West Indies, USA. Rope en: An Attempt to Increase Civic Participation in Governance Using ICT.

Ryan, J., Head, University of the West of England, UK & Davies, J., Professor, University of the West of England, UK. From Teaching to Learning.

Collatos, A., Assistant Professor, Pepperdine University, USA. Critical Teacher Education: Including Urban Parents, Families and School Communities in the Teacher Education Process.

SESSION VI (ROOM C) - Educational Policy and Management

Chair: Watkins, M., Dean, Indiana University East, USA.

Aksoy, N., Associate Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. An Evaluatıon of Polıcy and Practıce of Multıgrade Schools in Turkısh Prımary Educatıon.

Meseci-Giorgetti, F., Assistant Professor, Istanbul University, Turkey. Function of the Mandatory School Uniform Policy in Public Elementary Schools.

Meza, J., Dean, University of New Orleans, USA. Building University Capacity to Launch a Network of Charter Schools as the Anchor for Community Redevelopment.

*Williams-Boyd, P., Professor, Eastern Michigan University, USA. The Full-Service Community School Movement and the Notion of the Common Good




15:00-16:30 Monday, May 25th, 2009
SESSION VII (ROOM A) – Special Needs Education I

Chair:  Patelis, T., Vice President, The College Board, USA

McLarty, M.M, Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK & Hewitt, C.M., Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. Educating the Other - A Historical Study of Practice in the Education of Pupils with Profound and Complex Learning Difficulties in Scotland Since 1974.

Friedmann, Z., Associate Professor, Masaryk University, Czech Republic & Lazarova, B., Associate Professor, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Career Choice in Pupils with Special Educational Needs – Comparison of Case Studies.

Smith Gabig, C., Assistant Professor, Lehman College/City University of New York, USA, Thousand, J., Professor, California State University San Marcos, USA & McNeil, M., Professor and Associate Dean, Chapman University, USA. Supporting Children with High-Functioning Autism in General Education.

*Taub, D., Technical Specialist, ILSSA, University of Kentucky, USA. The Language of Autism.

SESSION VIII (ROOM B)– Values and Citizenship Education

Chair: Bond, C., Assistant Professor, Salve Regina University, USA. 

Donovan, A., Associate Professor, Dartmouth College, USA. Civil Education in Context.

Monhardt, R., Associate Professor, Utah State University, USA. Creating Community Advisory Panels in American Indian Schools: Connecting the Culture of Students’ Everyday Lives to School Science.

Smith, L., Ph.D. Student, European Graduate School, Germany. Structuring Learning Experiences Aimed at Dynamic Emotional Issues:Teaching about Death and Loss, Ethics, and Violence.

Sullivan, A., Associate Professor, University of Redlands, USA. Social/Educational Justice, Aesthetic Reading and Struggling Adolescents: International  Perspectives.

Demir, I., Assistant Professor, Istanbul University, Turkey. Representations of Citizenship among Turkish University Students: A Qualitative Investigation.



SESSION IX (ROOM C) - Language Teaching & Learning—English as a Second Language

Chair: Woodcock, L. S., Academic Member, ATINER & School of Education, University of Leeds, UK

Alsheikh, N., Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates. UAE Students’ Motivational Profiles and their Motivated Second Language Reading Behavior.

Attapol, K., Instructor, Kasetsart University, Thailand. Investigating English Learning Styles and Attitudes of Thai Learners’.

Ellis, M., Lecturer, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore. Task Based Information Seeking: A Study of Chinese English as Second Language Students.

Sinno, Z.S., Instructor, American University of Beirut, Lebanon. Anti-Americanism and the English Language in Lebanon

Yu, Z., Associate Professor, Shantou University, China & Zheng, X., Associate Professor, Shantou University, China. The Dynamic Criteria of Translation under Globalization.

16:30-18:00 Monday, May 25th, 2009
SESSION X (ROOM A) – Professional Identities in Education

Chair: *Taub, D., Technical Specialist, ILSSA, University of Kentucky, USA.

Chou, M.C., Assistant Professor, Ksu San University, Taiwan. Who we Are? A Study to Some Private Child Care Workers’ Awareness of their Professional Roles. (Monday, 25th of May 2009)

Feng, F.I., Assistant Professor, National Chu-Nan University, Taiwan. A Study on Educational Administrators Ethical Inclinations in Taiwan. (Monday, 25th of May 2009)

Ismen Gazioglu, E., Assistant Professor, Turkey & Eryenen, G., Researcher, Istanbul University, Turkey. The Role of Teachers’ Altruistic Behaviors on Prediction of Job Satisfaction Levels.

Kasacova, B., Assistant Professor, Matej Bel University, Slovakia. Educating Teacher  Researcher for the Research of Teacher’s Profession Activities.

Davidova, J., Professor, Daugavpils University, Latvia & Kokina, I., Associate Professor, Daugavpils University, Latvia. Latvia’s Teacher’s Innovative Activity in Contemporary Conditions.


SESSION XI (ROOM B) –Education in Art, Music and Theatre

Chair: Sullivan, A., Associate Professor, University of Redlands, USA.

Akhun-Akbayrak, B., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Durmusoglu, M.C., Lecturer, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Opinions of Pre-School Teachers about Art Activities in their Classrooms.

Elder, A.M., Associate Professor, Western New Mexico University, USA & Bustamante, M., Associate Professor, Western New Mexico University, USA. Changing the Face of Southwest New Mexico with Theater, Education, and Technology.

Okvuran, A., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. History of the Drama as a Teaching Method in Turkey.

Slahova, A., Professor, Daugavpils University, Latvia & Cacka, M., Lecturer, Daugavpils University, Latvia. Peculiarities of Development of Interest towards Creative Activity for Art Students.

Teklos, P., Ph.D. Student, University of Hull, UK. Pupils’ Attitudes towards Music Education in Secondary Schools of Cyprus.




SESSION XII (ROOM C) – Multicultural Education

Chair: Xanthopoulos, J., Professor, The University of Montana-Western, USA.

 Arenas, R., Assistant Professor, California State University, USA. Developing Critical Readers in the Classroom through the Use of Multicultural Literature for Children and Young Adults.

March E. Z., Researcher, Ministry of Education and Culture, Cyprus & Gaffney, J.S., Professor, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, USA. Deciphering Grade Retention to Inform Multicultural Education across Europe.

Conchas, G., Associate Professor, UCI, USA & Oseguera, L., Assistant Professor, UCI, USA. Beyond Family and Culture: Understanding the Variation among Race and Ethnic School Engagement.

Holmes, G., Director, Quinnipiac University, USA. Teacher Preparation and Social Justice: The Role of Multicultural Education. 

Khademi Ashkezari, E., Head of Educational Department, Alzahra University, Iran. The Effect of Different Dimensions of Globalization on the Educational Method and Change of Teacher’s Role.


18:00-19:30 Monday, May 25th, 2009

SESSION XIII I (ROOM A) - Teaching and Learning I 
Chair:  Chou, M.C., Assistant Professor, Ksu San University, Taiwan.

Bond, C., Assistant Professor, Salve Regina University, USA. Actively Engaging Students in Learning: Linking Theory and Practice.

Bozgeyikli, H., Assistant Professor, Selcuk University, Turkey. A Study on Turkish Elementary School Student’s Career Development according to Perceived Social Support, Socioeconomic Status and Gender.

Chan, Y.K., Program Director, HKU SPACE, Hong Kong. The Relationship Among Sender Age, Study Mode, Learning Approaches and Academic Achievement: The Case of HK Sub-Degree Students.

Ishak, Z., Lecturer, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Aspirations and Worries among Malaysian Adolescents.

Locker, P., Principal Teaching Fellow, University of Lincoln, UK & Spilberg, R., Principal Teaching Fellow, University of Lincoln, UK. Collaboration Recipe: 20 Students, 2 Faculties, A Pinch Of Staff, Measured Research, A Museum, And Assorted Spicy Problems – MIX WELL.

Allen, M., Lecturer, Brunel University, UK. The Relationship between Hypothesis Testing and Confirmation Bias in School Science.


SESSION XIV (ROOM B) -  ICT in Teaching and Learning

Chair:  Gran, B.J., Visiting lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong .

Chew, F.P., Lecturer, University of Malaya, Malaysia. ICT Application in Teaching and Learning Chinese Language (Mandarin) in Malaysia Secondary Schools.

Connell, A., Course Leader, Keele University, UK. The Use of Technology to Support Assessment of Pupils by Trainee Teachers and to Support Assessment of Trainee Teachers against the Standards for Qualified Teacher Status (Q Standards) by Tutors and Mentors, on a Successful Initial Teacher Education Course in Central England.

Kara-Soteriou, J., Assistant Professor, Central Connecticut State University, USA. Preparing Teachers to Integrate Technology in the Classroom: A Comprehensive Approach to New Literacies Instruction.

Yigit, E.O., Researcher, Marmara University, Turkey. Using Technology in Social Studies Classrooms.

Mahani, S., Lecturer, Higher Colleges of Technology, Abu Dhabi Women’s Campus, United Arab Emirates. Teaching Adult Learners in Online Environment.


SESSION XV (ROOM C0 - Intercultural Education

Chair:   Arenas, R., Assistant Professor, California State University, USA.

Oates, J.V., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. How Good is the Teaching of China in Scotland’s Secondary Schools?

Chen, S.-H., Assistant Professor, National Chiayi University, Taiwan. A Study of the Policy of Tribe Language Test and Junior High Students of Aborigine's Cultural Identity in Taiwan. (Monday, 25th of May 2009)

Vechia, A., Professor, Tuiuti University of Parana, Brazil & Ademir Valdir dos Santos, Professor, Tuiuti University of Parana, Brazil. The Education of German Immigrants in Southern Brazil: Education for All?

Kao, D., Ph.D. Student, University of Southern California, USA & Tang, K., Assistant Professor, Mount St. Mary’s College, USA. Gender, Ethnicity, and the Education of Cambodian Students in an U.S. Urban High School: Perspectives from Administrators, Teachers, and Students.

Xanthopoulos, J., Professor, The University of Montana-Western, USA. Culturally Relevant Pedagogy for American Indian Children 






Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

 08:30-10:30 Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
SESSION XVI (ROOM A) - Managing Challenging Behavior

Chair: *Williams-Boyd, P., Professor, Eastern Michigan University, USA.

Duman, G., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Cabuk Ozer, B., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Preschool Pre-Service Teachers’ Perception of Challenging Classroom Behavior and their Self Competence Evaluation. (Tuesday, May 26th, 2009)

Diagne, D., Lecturer, University of Geneva, Switzerland. School Violence and Educational Outcomes: An Economic Perspective. (Tuesday, May 26th, 2009)

Carapeto Ferreira, N. S., Director, University of Parana, Brazil & Silva, C., Rector, University of Parana, Brazil. A History that Challenges the Public Politicies: Childhood, Youth and Violence in Brazil.

Devjak, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Devjak, S., Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Bercnik, S., Assistant, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Preschool Child’s Play and Movement.

Eroglu, S.E., Professor, Selcuk University, Turkey. Relationship Between High School Students’ Self Identity Status and Aggression Behaviors.

Logan, B., Associate Professor, Armstrong Atlantic State University, USA. What Novice Teachers Need to Know about Classroom Management?


SESSION XVII (ROOM B) - Social and Civic Education

Chair: Aksoy, N., Associate Professor, Gazi University, Turkey.

Yalcin, A.F., Professor, Selcuk University, Turkey. Self Efficacy Beliefs and Success Identity in Turkish Adolescents: Observation via Structural Equation Model

Demirbolat-Ottekin, A., Associate Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Bureaucratic Socialization and Educational Institution.

Antognazza, D., Professor, Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Switzerland & Sciaroni, L., Professor, Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Switzerland. Working on Social Emotional Learning in the School Context: Some Ideas from Switzerland.

Zorc-Maver, D., Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Youth Participation and Biographical Research in Resocialization.


SESSION XVIII (ROOM C) - Cognitive Development, Problem Solving and Learning

Chair: *Scott, L., Ph.D. Student, University of Nevada, USA. 

Serdyukov, P., Professor, National University, USA & Serdyukov, N., Professor, National University, USA. Communication in the Online Class: Key Factors of Success.

Abdelal, A., Assistant Professor, Bridgewater State College, USA & Ciocci, S., Professor, Bridgewater State College, USA. Neurocognitive Process of Learning and Evidence – Based Strategies for Improving Information Processing.

Seepho, S., Lecturer, Suranaree University of Technology, Thailand. Brain-Based Learning and Teacher Training in Thailand.

Goulăo, M.D.F., Assistant Professor, Universidade Aberta, Portugal. How Can Metacognition Help Students in a Distance Learning System?

Mohammadzadeh, J., Assistant Professor, Ilam University, Iran. The Standardization of Figural- Cognitive Subscales of Meeker's Test and the Effect of Training Intervention Based on Meeker's Method on Cognitive Abilities of 3d to 5th Grade of Elementary School Students of Isfahan.


10:30-12:30 Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

SESSION XIX (ROOM A) - Teaching and Learning

Chair: Hart, S. Assistant Professor, California State University-Fresno, USA

 Serpa, M.S.D., Professor, University of the Azores, Portugal & Caldeira, S.N., Professor, University of the Azores, Portugal. Students Perspectives on Itself and on the School Work.

Doyran, F., Instructor, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. The Joy of Learning: Becoming Independent Learners.

Khademi Ashkezari, M., Assistant Professor, Alzahra University, Iran. The Effect of Life Skills Training.

True, M., Associate Professor, Plymouth State University, USA & Buteau, G., Associate Professor, Plymouth State University, USA. Contextualizing the Learning: New Approaches to Interactive Teaching and Learning and the Pre-Service Educator.

Ross-Watt, F., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. Inclusion in the Real World – A Headteacher’s Story. (Tuesday, May 26th, 2009)

Watling, S., Learning and Teaching Coordinator, Learning and Teaching Coordinator, University of Lincoln, UK. Cats and Dogs and Pheromones, Researching the Student Experience.



SESSION XX (ROOM B) – Higher Education—General Issues

Chair: Mastroyanis, G., Professor, University of Alaska, USA.

Furuzan, V.G., Lecturer, Marmara University, Turkey & Ensari, H., Professor, Marmara University, Turkey. Strategic Planning and Balanced Scorecard in Higher Education. How to make a strategic plan in Turkish Universities?

Li, D., Researcher, Tampere University, Finland. What are the main Factors that have influenced the Nature and Outcomes of mergers in Chinese Higher Education Institutions?

Jones, C.A., Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Higher Education and the New Hegemony.

Ellis, L., Senior Lecturer, The University of Sheffield, UK. Doctoral Education for Workforce Development: Findings of a Longitudinal Study.

Pilkington, A., Professor, University of Northampton, UK. Promoting Racial Equality in British Higher Education: A Case Study.




SESSION XXI (ROOM C)- Language Teaching and Learning—Education in Second Languages

Chair: Makedon, A., Professor, Chicago State University, USA.

Goh, H.S., Senior Lecturer, Sultan Idris University of Education, Malaysia. To Use or Not to Use the First Language (L1) in the Second Language (L2) Classroom?: Perceptions and Practices of Malaysian English language Teachers.

Kanoksilapatham, B., Associate Professor, Silpakorn Univerisity, Thailand. Examining English Pronunciation Competence of Thai Teachers..

Tierney, D., Reader, University of Strathclyde, UK. Modern Languages in Scottish Primary Schools: Pupil Attitudes and the Views of the Teachers.

Gran, B.J., Visiting lecturer, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong. Enhancing the Teacher Selection Process:  Early Data from an Investigation into Why and How A Group of Successful Teachers Developed Their Careers as Non-Native Teachers of English. 

Elsheikh, A., Student, Indiana University at Bloomington, USA. Decolonizing Sudanese English Language Teachers’ Knowledge and Identity.

Zandipour, T., Professor, Azzahra University, Iran. A Comparative Study on Career Needs and Transferable Skills of Iranian and Canadian Visually Impaired Students.




12:30-14:30 Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

SESSION XXII (ROOM A) - Primary Education

Chair: Serpa, M.S.D., Professor, University of the Azores, Portugal

Erkul, O., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Erdogan, T., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Investigating the Vocabulary used by the First Grade Students by Different Variables.

Hart, S. Assistant Professor, California State University-Fresno, USA and Hart, L., Elementary Teacher, Clovis Unified School District, USA. Service-Learning:  A Third Space for Literacy.

Porubsky, S., Lecturer, Matej Bel University, Slovakia.  Primary Education Teacher as the Determinant of Educational Transformation Process (the Problems of Post-Communistic Slovakia).

Shaban, M., Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates & Buldu, M., Assistant Professor, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates. Profiling Visual Arts Teaching in K-3rd Grade Classrooms in UAE: Teacher Perceptions and Practices.

Bolt, N., Ph.D. Student, Fordham University, USA. The Impact of Academic Emotions on Academic Achievement at the Elementary School Level.

Ozyurek, A., Teacher, Republic of Turkey Ministry of National Education, Turkey, Omeroglu, E., Professor, Gazi University, Turkey, Buyukozturk, S., Associate Professor, Baskent University, Turkey & Aydogan Y., Associate Professor, Abant Izzet Baysal University, Turkey.  Development of a Problem Solving Scale for Preschool Children and Children Attending Class 1-5 of Primary Education and Norm Study for Turkey.

Travers, J., Postdoctoral Research Assistant, Université de Luxembourg, France. Child’s Play: Writing the Self in a Multilingual Context. 

Inal, G., Researcher, Afyon Kocatepe University, Turkey, Erbay, F., Researcher, Selcuk University, Turkey & Omeroglu, E., Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. An Analysis of the Effects of Pre-School Educational Settings on Six-Year-Old Children’s Social Adaptations.


SESSION XXIII (ROOM B) - Higher Education --Fields of Study

Chair: Ross-Watt, F., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK.

Moreno, R., Professor, University of New Mexico, USA, Reisslein, M., Professor, Arizona State University, USA & Ozogul, G., Ph.D. Student, Arizona State University, USA. Learning from Contextualized Versus Abstract Representations of Worked-Out Problems: Implications for Engineering Education.

Oprescu, M., Lecturer, West University, Romania & Oprescu, F., Lecturer, West University, Romania. Teacher Training in Romania. (Tuesday, May 26th, 2009)

*Ilhan, A.G., Professor, Institute of Educational Sciences, Turkey. Museum Education in Turkey.

Monterola, S.L., Assistant Professor, University of the Philippines, Philippines, Roxas, R.M., Instructor, University of the Philippines, Philippines & Monterola, C., Associate Professor, University of the Philippines, Philippines. Increasing Physics Learning through Optimal Seating Arrangement, Group Composition and Competition.

Starc, J., Ph. D., Assistant Dean for Student Affairs, Higher Education Centre, School of Business and Management, Slovenia & Gorenc Zoran, A., Assistant Professor, Higher Education Centre, School of Business and Management, Slovenia. A Curriculum Model for the Education and Training of Management.


SESSION XXIV (ROOM C) - Education and Cultures

Chair: Tierney, D., Reader, University of Strathclyde, UK.

Garo, S., Dean, University “A.Moisiu”, Albania. Educational Practices in Albanian and American Cultures.

Makedon, A., Professor, Chicago State University, USA. Why Humans are not Like Trees: Rootlessness, Globalisation and Perspectivism.

Bryant, L., Assistant Professor, Arkansas State University, USA & Stillwell, J., Professor, Arkansas State University, USA. The Physical Education Teacher/Coach in American Culture.

Cheung, W.-C., Assistant Professor, Hong Kong Baptist University, China. Constructing Ethnicity through Education: A Plebeian Literacy Movement of Ethnic Miao Minority in Shimenkan, Guizhou (1930-40).

Kantiok, J., Professor, Azusa Pacific University, USA. School Shooting in the United States: Implications for Peace Education Program. (Tuesday, May 26th, 2009)

Li, X., Professor, California State University Long Beach, USA. A Daoist Perspective on Internationalizing Curriculum.




14:30-15:30 LUNCH

15:30-17:30 Tuesday, May 26th, 2009

SESSION XXV (ROOM A) - Professional, Adult, and Vocational Education

Chair: Van Wyk, M., Lecturer, University of KZN, South Africa

Aksoy, H.H., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Importance of Education in Hiring Decisions of Employers: Re-Analysis of the Economics of Education Theories

Holt, S., Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK & McNamara, Y., Lecturer, Liverpool John Moores University, UK. Theory and Practice in Professional Education: Teaching Strategies for Bridging the Chasm.

Mackie, G., Course Director, University of Strathclyde, UK. Politics, Policy and Practice in Community-based Adult Learning

Rismark, M., Researcher, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway & Lyngsnes, K.M., Assistant Professor, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway. Vocational Education: Apprentice Learning at the Workplace.

Keller, B., Lecturer, Varsity College, South Africa. A New Approach to Education, Training and Development of Project Managers.



SESSION XXVI (ROOM B) - Science and Mathematics Education

Chair: Mohammed, H., Principal, Ma’arif for Training and Education, Saudi Arabia.

Chang, C.C., Associate Professor, Lunghwa University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. A Study of Industrial-oriented Core Competency and Its Professional Program for Employment in the University of Science and Technology.

Wu, D.B., Associate Professor, National Taichung University, Taiwan & Ma, H.L., Associate Professor, Ling Tung University, Taiwan. Elementary School Students Developmental Stages of Representations of Regular Triangular Cylinder.

Ma, H.L., Associate Professor, Ling Tung University, Taiwan. An Ability Model Developing About Students’ Algebraic Reasoning: A Quadratic Pattern with Pictorial Contexts as an Example.

Beltran-Joaquin, N., Associate Professor, University of the Philippines, Philippines. Student Achievement Goals, Learning Styles and Thinking Skills in Math.

Chu, S.-T., Assistant Professor, Kun Shan University, Taiwan. Competence Indicators of Applying Math Problem-Solving Abilities to Engineering Problems: A Case Study of Electronic Engineering Departments of Universities of Technology.

Cowan, R., Professor, University of London, UK, Donlan, C., Associate Dean, University College London, UK, Cole-Fletser, R., Researcher, University of London, UK & Shepherd, D.L., Researcher, University of London, UK.  Understanding the Variation in Elementary School Children’s Number Development.


SESSION XXVII (ROOM C)- Parents, the Media, and Education

Chair: Li, X., Professor, California State University Long Beach, USA.

Okamonto, Y., Professor, University of California Santa Barbara, USA. Raising Only Children in Urban China: Do Parents Hold Gendered Expectations?

Bardwell, R., Associate Professor, Marquette University, USA. Secondary Stakeholders Attitudes about Educational Improvement.

Turkyilmaz, F., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Use of “Colour” Element in Some Children’s Book Published Between 2000 and 2008.

Celepoglu, A., Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Kisa, N., Specialist, Nigdel University, Turkey. The Effects of Fantastic Novels and Films on Children.

Ozaki, N., Ph.D. Student, Indiana University, USA. Parental Involvement and Assumptions: The Case of Immigrant Families.

Steh, B., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Kalin, J., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Teacher – Parent Co-operation in providing Quality Education of Pupils: What do Teachers and Parents discuss and how are Discussions Approached?

Temel, F., Professor, Gazi University, Turkey & Kurtulmus, Z., Researcher, Gazi University, Turkey. The Investigation of the Effects of Individual and Group Mother Education Program on the Empathy Levels. 

17:30-19:30 Tuesday, May 26th, 2009
SESSION XXVIII (ROOM A) - Teacher Competence and Performance 

Chair: Keller, B., Lecturer, Varsity College, South Africa.

Cabanova, M., Lecturer, Matej Bel University, Slovakia. Teaching Profession-Theoretical Background and the Opportunities for Learning its Specifics.

Dedze, I., Project Manager, Latvia University, Latvia, Gurbo, M., Director, InVITe Consulting Ltd., Latvia & Jemeljanova, I., Senior Expert, InVITe Consulting Ltd., Latvia. Education Quality Monitoring in Decentralized Settings. A Second Quality Profile Development.

Kosova, B., Professor, Matej Bel University, Slovakia. The Professionalisation Process of the Teacher’s Profession in Slovak Republic.

Lazarova, B., Associate Professor, Masaryk University, Czech Republic. Teachers’ Performance in the Late Phase of their Career.

Van Wyk, M., Lecturer, University of KZN, South Africa & Samuel M., Dean, University of KZN, South Africa. Narratives of Professional Development: Forces in the Field- A Model of Teacher Development.


SESSION XXIX (ROOM B) - Educational Policy and Management

Chair: Pappas, N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

Mohammed, H., Principal, Ma’arif for Training and Education, Saudi Arabia. Who is Leading Female Education in Saudi Arabia?

Trala, C., Lecturer, University of Hull, UK & Williams, P., Lecturer, University of Hull, UK. Personalising Provision through Blended Learning: A Bottom-Up Departmental Strategy.

Mattinson, K., Pro Vice Chancellor and Head, Keele University, UK & Collins, Director of ITE Partnership, Keele University, UK. A Reflection on the Development of Self Evaluation to Improve Provision in Initial Teacher Education (ITE), in the Light of a Revised Inspection Framework for England.  A Case Study on the Response to, and Impact of, these Developments on a Successful ITE Provider from Central England.

Dartenne, C.M., Scientific Officer, Leuphana University of Lueneburg, Germany. Long Waves in the Development of the German Education System 1800-2000.

Parr, A. Director of Partnerships and History Course Leader, Keele University, U.K. Creativity, Learning and Teaching in Initial Teacher Education (ITE).


SESSION XXX (ROOM C) - Special Needs Education

Chair:  Kefalaki, M., Researcher, ATINER

Abdool, W.M., Ph.D. Student, Florida International University, USA. Quality of Life for Students with Intellectual Disability. What do Their Teachers Say?

Connor, D., Associate Professor, Bridgewater State College, USA. How Adolescents with learning Disabilities and Adolescents who are Gifted Organize and Control their Visiting Processes.

Scott, L., Ph.D. Student, University of Nevada, USA & Harrington, S., Director, University of Nevada, USA. Employment for Persons with Disabilities in Nevada.

Tocchetto, F., Professor, Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Switzerland & Leoni, F., Professor, Alta Scuola Pedagogica, Switzerland. Dyslexia, a Learning Disability: Representations of Teachers and Dissemination in Svizzera Italiana Schools.



20:00-21:00 DINNER


Wednesday, May 27th, 2009

Archaeological Tour: Departure at 7:30 a.m. Return at 13:00


Thursday, May 28th, 2009

CRUISE: Departure at 7:30 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.