Applied Economic Research
Edited by Gregory T. Papanikos
ISBN: 978-960-6672-31-6, 550 pages, Hardback
First published in 2008 by ATINER
Price: Paperback: 60€ (It includes Shipping and Handling) Hardcover: 100€ (It includes Shipping and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
1. |
Economic Research: An Introduction Papanikos, G.T. |
1 |
Part 1: Empirical Econometric Studies |
2. |
Economic Fundamentals and Euro’s Overvaluation Kallianiotis, I. |
17 |
3. |
Financial Sector
Development and Growth in Small Open Economics Iyare, S.O. &
Moore, W. |
57 |
4. |
Sigma Convergence
‘Versus’ Beta Convergence: Evidence from the Portuguese Regions Andraz, J. &
Norte, N. |
71 |
5. |
Was the Scandinavian
Monetary Union an Optimum Currency Area? A Generalised
Purchasing-Power Parity Approach Razgallah, B. |
87 |
6. |
Regulation & Labour
Flexibility: Evidence from Greece Anagnostopoulos, A., Papadimopoulos, I., Siebert,
S.W. & Bitzenis, A. |
101 |
7. |
Globalization and Business Cycle: A Parametric Test
for Panel Data Analysis Seyrek, I. |
115 |
8. |
Empirical Study on Autocorrelation of Chinese Stock
Market Returns Hou, Q., Mei, Q. & Zhao, X. |
135 |
9. |
Foreign Ownership and Total Factor Productivity in
Mexico’s Manufacturing, 1988-1998 Huato, J. |
147 |
10. |
Social Norms, Culture and Economic Incentives in
Firms Sotiriou, C. & Inoue, T. |
161 |
11. |
The Impact of Probabilities Change on Risky Behavior
in the Case of Impending Death Harrant, V. &
Vaillant, N.G. |
177 |
12. |
Better Databases for Economic Modelling:
Constructing SAMs from the SNA Santos, S. |
193 |
13. |
Does an Emphasis on
Revenue Growth Weaken Strategy and Reduce Profits? An Empirical Analysis Pendse, S.G. |
199 |
Part 2: Policy
Studies |
14. |
More Employers,
More Jobs, More Money: An Empirical Analysis of Local Economic Development
Policy Impacts in U.S. Cities Strother,S. |
213 |
15. |
Methods to Identify the European Monetary Policy Shocks Bobeica, G. & Bojesteanu, E. |
233 |
16. |
Households’ Disposable Incomes: New and Old Reforms Declich, C. & D’Elia, F. |
249 |
17. |
Can Global Issues
Explain the next in Financial Crises? Imer, E., |
271 |
18. |
Property Rights
and Private Autonomy in Montenegro Bacovic, M. & Vujovic, V. |
279 |
19. |
The Primacy of
Institutions in Nowadays Economic Mosora, C-L & Marinescu, C. |
289 |
20. |
Single-Mindedness of Labour Unions when Transfers
are not Lump-Sum Canegrati, E. |
299 |
21. |
Industrial Policy
for Mauritius: Managing for
Competitiveness Chittoo, H.B., Munhurrun, P. & Nowbutsing,
B. |
315 |
22. |
Legal Background
of the Czech Republic Economy Transformation Sedova, J. |
331 |
23. |
China’s Role in a
Global Economy – Consequences for Poland |
345 |
24. |
A Simple Macroeconomic Model with Non-Perfect Competition: Policy Implications
in the Long Run Zhou, Y. |
357 |
Part 3: Industry
Studies |
25. |
Bridgehead or Barricade?
Microfinance Regulation and Institutional Change in El Salvador and Honduras Garcia Cabello, M. |
381 |
26. |
How to
make Bankers Richer: The Brazilian Financial Market with Public and Private
Banks Rands
Barros, A. |
393 |
27. |
Loyalty versus Propensity to Switch between Providers in Digital Product
Markets Kazakevitch, G.
& Torlina, L. |
407 |
28. |
Efficiency and Institutional Change: A Stochastic Frontier Analysis of the
Nicaraguan Coffee Industry (1965-1995) Saravia, S. & Dietrich, M. |
421 |
29. |
Building Technological Capabilities with High Degree of Coherence: A
Challenging Task before Latecomer Software Companies Rousseva, R. |
435 |
30. |
Measuring the Degree of Market Power and Conjectural Variations in the
Ukrainian Milk Processing Industry Perekhozhuk, O., Grings, M. & Glauben,
T. |
451 |
31. |
Economies of Scale and Scope and the Banking Industry in Vermont Mohaghegh, M.E. |
465 |
32. |
Combating Money Laundering by German Banks – Results of an Empirical
Survey Kramer, G. |
475 |
33. |
Management and Performance of a Social Company: Case Study about the Lisbon Food Bank Valenta da Costa M.T.G & Reis, H.M.P. |
487 |
34. |
Turkish Food Industry and Development Trends in Globalization Process Gunes, E. & Albayrak, M. |
501 |
35. |
A Study of the
Why, When and How of Partnership Formation: A Managerial Perspective Dodourova, M. |
513 |
36. |
Human Implants:
Actual Developments and Connected Aspects of Person’s Privacy Hugl, U. |
527 |