3rd International symposium on
economic theory, policy and applications
4-7 August 2008
Athens, Greece
Organized by
Conference Venue: St George Lycabettus
Boutique Hotel,
by: ATINEP A.E. (atinerae@atiner.gr)
Administration: Fani Balaska, Eirini
Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia
Organizing and
Scientific Committee:
time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)
August 4th, 2008
08:00-08:20 Registration
08:20-08:30 Welcome and
Opening Remarks
Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.
Dr. John Roufagalas, Academic
Member, ATINER & Professor, Troy University, USA.
08:30-10:00 Monday, August 4th, 2008 Session I
(Room A): Schools
of Economics Thought and Methodology - Mathematical and Quantitative Methods Chair: Pappas,
N., Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA. 1. Arlegi, R.,
Professor, Public University of Navarre, Spain. Simple Categorization and Additive Set Comparisons. 2.
Bobeica, G., Assistant Professor, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania. Fundamenting the Economic Policy Parameters in Order to
Ensure Determinacy and Feasibility for the Convergence Process. 3.
DuPlessis, S., Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. An
Institutional Analysis of Road Safety in South Africa. 4.
Di Veroli, N.,
Researcher, Italian National Institute of Statistics, Italy & Collesi-Tartamella, D., Senior Researcher, Italian
National Institute of Statistics, Italy. Using statistics to compile an
Education Satellite Account for Italy. 5.
*Kammel, A., Head, Austrian
Association of Investment, Fund Management Companies (VÖIG), Austria.
Currency Competition and Monetary Integration - Some Reflections in the Light
of F.A. Von Hayek. (Monday, August 4th, 2008) |
08:30-10:00 Monday, August 4th, 2008 Session II (Room B): Financial Economics I Chair: Roufagalas, J.,
Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Troy University,
USA. 1.
E., Professor Emeritus, Oakland University, USA. Inter-Balkan Trade and
Finance. 2.
Bojesteanu, E.,
Assistant Professor, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania. International
Transmission of Euro Area Shocks into non-Euro Member States. 3.
Haiss, P., Paulhart, A. Ph.D. Student, Vienna
University, Austria & Rainer, A. Do Foreign Banks Raise the Risk of Foreign
Currency Lending in CEE? 4.
S., Research Fellow, Melbourne Institute of Applied Economic and Social
Research, The University of Melbourne, Australia.
Co-movement and Integration among Developed Equity Markets. |
10:00-11:30 Monday, August 4th, 2008 Session III (Room A):
Health, Education and Welfare Chair: DuPlessis, S., Lecturer, University of Stellenbosch,
South Africa. 1. Mora
Rodriguez, J.J., Head of the Economics Department, Icesi
University, Colombia. Diploma Earning Differences by Gender in Colombia. 2.
Renstrom, T., Lecturer, University of Durham, U.K. & Marsiliani,
L., Lecturer, University of Durham, U.K. Political Equilibrium Social
Security with Migration. 3.
Cilasun, S.M., Instructor, Atilim University, Turkey
& Bilir, S., Instructor, Atilim
University, Turkey. An Analysis of First-Year Academic Performance in the
Department of Management of Atilim University:
Could Education in English be a Determinant? |
10:00-11:30 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session IV (Room B): Financial Economics II Chair: Botsas,
E., Professor Emeritus, Oakland University, USA. 1. Stancu, S., Professor, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania & Sava, M.G.,
Undergraduate Student, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania. Risk and Uncertainty at the Level of Romanian Banking System. 2. Veiga, F., Associate Professor, University of Minho, Portugal & Neto, D., Researcher, University of Vigo and RGEA,
Portugal. Financial Globalization, Growth, and
Convergence. 3. Sifakis-Kapetanakis, C., Assistant Professor, University of Grenoble, CREPPEM, France.
Boom of Financial Markets and Transformation of the Financial Structure of
European Industrial Companies. 4.
Pavan, M., Researcher,
University College Dublin, Ireland & Colussi,
A., Assistant Professor, University of Western Ontario, Canada. Assessing the
Impact of Public Transfers on Private Risk Sharing Arrangements: Evidence
from a Randomized Experiment in Mexico. |
11:30-13:00 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session V
(Room A): Regions and
Firms Chair: Renstrom, T.,
Lecturer, University of Durham, U.K. 1.
P., Professor, University of Strathclyde, UK. The
Overall Regional Impact of HEIs: An Analysis of the Demand and Supply-Side
Impacts on the Scottish Economy. 2.
I., Assistant Professor, University Jaume I of
Castellon, Spain. Transportation Infrastructure Investment in the Spanish
Regions. 3.
O., Instructor, Teca Tech University, USA & Chidmi, B., Assistant Professor, Texas Tech University,
USA. Technical Efficiency across US Dairy Farms. 4.
Gorricho, S., Assistant Professor, University of
Alicante, Spain. The Sexual Division of Labor Revisited. |
11:30-13:30 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session VI
(Room B): Labor and Demographic Economics I Chair: Veiga, F.,
Associate Professor, University of Minho, Portugal. 1.
E., Professor, University of Valencia, Spain & Nyhus,
E., Professor, University of Agder, Spain. Effects of
Consideration of Future Consequences, Locus of Control and the Big-Five
Personality Traits on Earnings. 2.
M., Researcher, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania & Chilian, M.N., Researcher, Institute for Economic
Forecasting, Romania. Balancing Demand and Supply on the ICT Labor Market in
Romania. 3.
M., Reseracher, Institute for Economic Forecasting,
Romania. The Impact of Labor Force Migration about Evolution of Demographic
Phenomena in Romania. 4.
J., Ph.D. Student, Yale University, USA & Bharadwj,
P., Ph.D. Student, Yale University, USA. Atmospheric Air Pollution and Birth
Weight. |
13:00-14:00 LUNCH
14:00-15:30 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session
VII (Room A): Microeconomics Chair: McGregor, P., Professor, University of Strathclyde,
UK. 1. Distaso, A., Researcher, Apulia Region and European Social Funf,
Italy. For an Integrated and Sustainable Governance of Waste. An Approach
Based on the Theory of Social Costs. 2. Katsaiti, M.S., Ph.D. Student, University of Connecticut, USA. A Model of
Choice: Food Consumption, Technological Growth and Obesity Rates. 3. Miralles, A., Ph.D. Student, Boston University, USA. Cardinal Bayesian Nontransfer Allocation Mechanisms. The Two-Object Case. 4.
L., Ph.D. Student, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania & Snieska, V., Associate Professor, Kaunas University of
Technology, Lithuania. Outsourcing Strategy Management: Stable Performance of
Innovation. |
14:00-15:30 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session VIII (Room B): Macroeconomics
and Monetary Economics Chair: Guedes, M.J.C.,
Ph.D. Student, Imperial College London, U.K. 1. Aburachis, A., Gannon University, USA. The Theory of the Liquidity Preference:
Reprise. 2. Ciurila, N.,
Assistant Professor, Academy of Economic Studies, Romania & Murarasu, B., Assistant Professor, Academy of Economic
Studies, Romania. Modelling Inflation Dynamics in Central and Eastern
European Countries. 3.
Battal, O., Lecturer, Okan University, Turkey.
Money Demand Estimation Using Cointegration Methodology for Turkey. 4.
Caraiani, P.,
Researcher, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania. Inflation
Persistence and DSGE Models. An Application on Romanian Economy. |
15:30-17:00 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session IX (Room A): Economic Development, Technological
Change and Growth I Chair: Distaso, A., Researcher, Apulia Region and
European Social Funf, Italy 1. Kordel, P., Adjunct, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. Regional
Knowledge Management and Technology Development: The Case of Revealing
Technological Competence of Silesia Region. 2.
Albu, L.L., Researcher, Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania, Ghizdeanu, I., Researcher, Institute for Economic
Forecasting, Romania & Stanica, C., Researcher,
Institute for Economic Forecasting, Romania. Interest Rate –Investment-GDP
Growth Relationship: Theoretical and Empirical Investigation. 3. Kerekes, M., Ph.D. Student, FU Berlin, Germany. Analyzing Patterns of Economic Growth: A Production Frontier Approach. 4. Teodorescu, H-N., Professor, Technical
University “Gheorghe Asachi”, Romania. On the Stability of Fuzzy Logic Models of Economic Dynamic Systems –
The Role of Decision Making. |
15:30-17:00 Monday, August 4th 2008 Session X
(Room B): Financial Economics III Chair: Battal, O., Lecturer, Okan University, Turkey.
August 5th, 2008
08:00-09:30 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session XI
(Room A): Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth II Chair: *Katsaiti, M.S., Ph.D. Student, University of Connecticut,
USA. 1.
Davies, S., Ph.D. Student,
University of Bath, U.K. Why do People Give? Untangling Motivations for
Remittances in Developing Countries. 2.
Gardu, D.,
Assistant Professor, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania. The Elusive
Quest for the East Asian Development Model: Does China Fit in? 3.
I., Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey, Olgac, S., Lecturer, Anadolu
University, Turkey & Temizel, F., Associate
Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey. Financial
Development and Economic Growth in Turkey. 4.
M., University of Primorska, Slovenia. New Issues
of Real Convergence Theory – Case of Transition Economies. |
08:00-09:30 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session
XII (Room B): Labor and Demographic Economics II Chair: Linder, S., Ph.D. Student, Center for Strategic Management &
Globalization (SMG) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. 1.
Josifidis, K., Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia, Supic,
N., Research Fellow, University of Novi Sad, Serbia & Beker,
E., Researcher, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Efficiency of the European
Welfare Regimes. 2. Cekanavicius,
L., Associate Professor, Vilnius University, Lithuania & Kasnauskiene, G., Associate Professor, Vilnius
University, Lithuania. Too High or Just Right? Cost-Benefit Approach to Emigration Question. 3. Guyot, A., Researcher,
University of Mannheim, Germany & Lauxen-Ulbrich,
M., Researcher, Institute for Small Business Research, Germany & Berwing, S., Researcher, Institute for Small Business
Research, Germany. Labour Market Sex Segregation in
a Regional Dimension: Human or Symbolic Capital? Some Empirical Findings from
Southwest Germany. 4.
Gicheva, D., Ph.D. Student, Yale University, USA. Working Long Hours and Career
Wage Growth. |
09:30-11:00 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session XIII (Room A): International Economics Chair: Gardu, D.,
Assistant Professor, Bucharest University of Economics, Romania. 1.
Andrei, d., Researcher, Institute for Economic Forecasting,
Romania. Some Insights about the Forein Direct
Investment (FDI) in Romania, as Compared to some other New EU Member
Countries of the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE countries). 2.
Bilici, O., Researcher, Izmir University of Economics, Turkey & Yetkiner, I.H., Associate Professor, Izmir University of
Economics, Turkey. The Determining Role of European Union in Turkey’s Trade
Flows: A Gravity Model Approach. 3.
Dinga, M., Junior Researcher, CERGE-EI, Czech Republic. The Impact of
Territorially concentrated FDI on Local Labor Market: The Evidence from the
Czech Republic. 4. Belaya, V., Ph.D. Student, Marketing and World Agricultural Trade
Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central and Eastern Europe
(IAMO), Germany, Hanf, J., Researcher, World
Agricultural Trade Leibniz Institute of Agricultural Development in Central
and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Germany & Torok, T.,
Ph.D. Student, World Agricultural Trade Leibniz Institute of Agricultural
Development in Central and Eastern Europe (IAMO), Germany. Power and Trust in
Networks: Two Sides of the Scale? |
09:30-11:00 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session XIV (Room B): Public Economics Chair: Josifidis,
K., Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. 1. Yay, T., Professor, Yildiz
Technical University, Turkey & Tastan, H.,
Associate Professor, Yildiz Technical University,
Turkey. On the Validity of Three Hypotheses on Public Expenditures in Turkey:
1950-2004. (Tuesday, August 5, 2008) 2. Veiga, L., Associate Professor, University of Minho, Portugal. The Political Economy of EU
Transfers to Portuguese Local Governments. 3.
Marsilini, L.,
Lecturer, University of Durham, U.K. & Renstrom,
T., Lecturer, University of Durham, U.K. Voluntary Public Goods Provision in
A Dynamic Economy. |
11:00-12:30 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session XV (Room A): Macroeconomics and Monetary Economics Chair: Kordel, P., Adjunct, Silesian University of Technology, Poland. 1. Syrrakos, D., Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K. Did the
Establishment of the European Monetary Union (EMU) Reflect a Progressive
Evolution in the Monetary Integration of the European Union (EU) or a
Discrete Change? 2.
Reiff, A.,
Researcher, National Bank of Hungary, Hungary. Menu Costs and Inflation
Asymmetries - Some Micro Data Evidence. 3.
Rubio, M., Ph.D. Student, Boston College, USA. Fixed and
Variable-Rate Mortgages, Business Cycles and Monetary Policy. 4.
Coppola, M., Researcher, MEA University of
Mannheim, Germany. Subsidiezed Private Pension
Schemes and Household Savings: Evidence from the Riester
Pension in Germany. |
11:00-12:30 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session XVI (Room B): Business Administration and Business
Economics Chair: Seale, L., J., Professor, University of Florida, USA. 1.
Linder, S., Ph.D. Student, Center for
Strategic Management & Globalization (SMG) at Copenhagen Business School, Denmark. Individual
– level Determinants of Managerial Innovation. 2.
Ng, T.K.H., Assistant Professor, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong
Kong. Outsourcing to Pool Risk. 3. Schroder,
R., Assistant Professor, Witten/Herdecke
University, Germany. Target Timing. Another Opportunity for Market Oriented
Management. 4. Qu, Y., Ph.D. Student,
CNRS-GREDEG, France & Krafft,
J., Researcher, CNRS-GREDEG, France. Corporate Governance, Industry Dynamics and Firms’ Performance
:An Empirical Analysis of a Best Practice Model. |
12:30-14:00 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session
XVII (Room A): Economic Development, Technological Change and Growth III Chair: Syrrakos, D.,
Lecturer, Manchester Metropolitan University, U.K. 1.
Torres, F., Professor, University of Los Andes, Colombia & Lopez Uribe, M., Professor, University of Los Andes, Colombia.
Land Conflicts Property Rights and the Rise of the Export Economy in
Colombia. 2.
B., Researcher, Izmir University, Turkey. Endogenous Determination of FDI in
Economic Growth. 3.
Yenipazarli, A., Researcher,
Adnan Menderes
University, Turkey & Erdal, F., Associate
Professor, Adnan Menderes
University, Turkey. Economic Freedom Index
and Economic Growth in Turkey: 1970-2006. 4.
Georgopoulos. G., Associate Professor, York
University, Canada. Liquidity Constraints and Investment: The Role of FDT. 5.
Bayat, R., Ph.D. Student,
University of Bath, U.K. The Effects of the IMF’s Programmes
on Adjustment Policies and Main Macroeconomic Variables in Argentina and
Turkey. |
12:30-14:00 Tuesday, August 5th 2008 Session
XVIII (Room B): Industrial Organization Chair: Marsilini, L., Lecturer, University
of Durham, U.K. 1. Kim, J., Professor, Handong University,
Korea. Optimality of Entry Regulation under Incomplete Information. 2.
Sanchez Villalba, M.,
Assistant Professor, University of Alicante, Spain. British Rail: A Matter of
Contractual Design. 3. *Van Koten, S., Junior Researcher, CERGE-EI,
Czech Republic. Bidding Behavior When One Bidder and the Auctioneer are
Vertically Integrated: Implications for the Partial Deregulation of EU
Electricity Markets. 4. *Guedes, M.J.C., Ph.D. Student, Imperial
College London, U.K. Do Sticks Create an Environment More Conductive to
R& Investments? Evidence from Top U.K. & R&D Firms. 5.
*Seale, L., J., Professor,
University of Florida, USA. Demand for Energy in Rich and Poor Countries. |
14:00-15:00 LUNCH
20:30 - 21:30 DINNER
Wednesday, August 6th, 2008
Archaeological Tour: Departure at 08:00, Lunch 13:30, Return at 14:30
Thursday, August 7th, 2008
CRUISE: Departure at 07:30, Return at 20:30