International Conference on mathematics & statistics

June 11-12, 2007

Athens, Greece


Organized by


Conference Venue: Athens Cultural Centre of the Municipality of Athens, 50 Akademias Avenue (Metro Station Panepistimiou).

  Organizing and Scientific Committee

  1. Dr. Vladimir Akis, Head, Mathematics and Statistics Research Unit, ATINER & Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University, Los Angeles, USA.
  2. Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.
  3. Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.
  4. Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.
  5. Dr. Panagiotis Petratos, Head, Computer Research Unit, ATINER & Assistant Professor of Computer Information Systems, California State University, Stanislaus, USA.
  6. Dr. Theofilos Theophanides, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.




Fani Balaska, Natasa Filiou, Eirini Lentzou, Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka.


 (The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)

Monday, June 11th, 2007


07:30-08:15 Registration

08:15-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER, Greece

Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.

Dr. Vladimir Akis, Head, Mathematics and Statistics Research Unit, ATINER & Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University, Los Angeles, USA.

 08:30-10:00 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session I:  Mathematics I

Chair: Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Associate Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.


1.      Mahmood, M., Head, Gulf University for Science & Technology, Kuwait & Al Mirbati, R., Gulf University for Science & Technology, Kuwait. On the Evaluation of Area of a Polygon via Determinant.

2.      Krsteska, B., Associate Professor, University in Skopje, FYROM & Kim, Y., Associate Professor, Kangnung National University, Korea. Fuzzy Regular Spaces.

3.      Gruais, I., Assistant Professor, Universite de Rennes, France & Rittemard, I., Assistant Professor, Universite de Rennes, France. A Priori Estimations of a Global Homotopy Residue Continuation Method

4.      Brown, P., Lecturer, University of New South Wales, Australia & Thongjunthug, T., Honours Student, University of New South Wales, Australia. Elliptic Curves over Q(i).

10:00-11:45 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session II: Mathematics II

Chair: Dr. Akis Vladimir, Head, Mathematics and Statistics Research Unit, ATINER & Professor of Mathematics and Computer Science, California State University, Los Angeles, USA.


  1. Dittmar, B., Professor, Martin Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany. Local and Global Maxima for the Expectation of the Lifetime of a Brownian Motion on the Disk.
  2. Rautmann, R., Associate Professor, University of   Paderborn, Germany. A Direct Approach to the Vorticity Transport & Diffusion Equation.
  3. Al-Shammari, K., Assistant Professor, King Fahd University of Petroueum and Minerals (Kfupm), Saudi Arabia. Filippov’s Operator and Some of its Properties in Rn
  4. Vupa, O., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey & Gurunlu Alma, O., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. Detection of Confounding and Misclassification.
  5. Potluri, V.R., Associate Professor, Reed College, USA. Linear Maps Expressible as a Polynomial in another Linear Map.



11:45-13:30 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session III:  Mathematics III

Chair: Dr. Theofilos Theophanides, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Department of Chemical Engineering, National Technical University of Athens, Greece.


  1. Dragan, I., Professor, University of Texas at Arlington, USA. On Semivalues and TU Games on Matroids.
  2. Serov, V., Associate Professor, University of Oulu, Finland. Inverse Born Approximation for Two-Dimensional Nonlinear Schroedinger Operator.
  3. Batt, J., Professor, Munchen University, Germany. Stationary Spherically Symmetric Solutions of the Vlasov-Poisson System and the Problem of Finite Radius and Mass for Solutions of the Generalized Matukuma Equation.
  4. Satco, B.R., Lecturer, University of Suceava, Romania. Continuous Solutions for Retarded Differential Inclusions via Henstock Integral.

13:30-14:30 LUNCH

14:30-16:00 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session IV: Statistics I

Chair: Valery Serov, Associate Professor, University of Oulu, Finland.


  1. Al-Saleh, M.F., Professor, Qatar University, Qatar & Samuh, M.H., Instructor, Palestine Polytechnic University, Palestine. On Multistage Ranked Set Sampling for Data Reduction with Application to Distribution and Median Estimation.
  2. Baklizi, A., Associate Professor, Qatar University, Qatar. Estimation in the Stress-Strength Model Using Record Values from the Gumbel Distribution.
  3. Elamir, E.H., Assistant Professor, University of Bahrain, Bahrain. Nonparametric Estimation for Quantile and Sparsity Functions via Trimmed Linear Moments.
  4. Kovacs, P., Lecturer, University of Szeged, Hungary & Petres, T., Associate Professor, University of Szeged, Hungary. Measure of Multicollinearity with a New, Original Indicator (Petres’ Red) in Linear Regression Models.



16:00-17:45 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session V: Mathematics IV

Chair: Irinel Dragan, Professor of Mathematics, University of Texas at Arlington, USA


  1. Abdalkhani, J., Associate Professor, The Ohio State University, USA & Miller, S., Assistant Professor, Brown University, USA. Prime Sums and Partial Summation.
  2. Struthers, A., Associate Professor, Michigan Technological University, USA & Talafha, A., Al-Hussein Bin-Talal University, Jordan. An Inverse Scattering Analysis of Pulse Train Generation in the Three Wave Interaction.
  3. Masuda, K., Associate Professor, Meiji University, Japan, Masaki K., Lecturer, Fukuoka University, Japan, Naoto, T., Lecturer, Tokyo University of Science, Japan & Atsushi, T., Associate Professor, Keio University, Japan. Finite-Dimensional Exponential Attracter for a Model for Order-Disorder and Phase Separation.
  4. Siopacha, M., Researcher, Vienna University of Technology, Austria & Teichmann, J., Professor, Venna University of Technology, Austria. Strong and Weak Taylor Approximations of European Option Prices.
  5. Papageorgiou, I., Ph.D. Student, Imperial College, UK. Log Sobolev Inequality For Measures With Infinite Deep Wells.


17:45-19:15 Monday, June 11th 2007

Session V: Statistics II

Chair: Mir Masoom Ali, Distinguished Professor, Ball State University, Muncie, IN, USA


  1. Ali, M-M., Distinguished Professor, Ball State University, USA. Estimating Reliability in Two Independent Distributions.
  2. Lee, A., Professor, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea & Li, N-C., Statistician, Boston University School of Public Health, USA. On Difference between Two Poisson Random Variables.
  3. Rash, A., Professor, Saint Joseph’s University, USA. The Power of Interactive Probability Models.
  4. Alin, A., Assistant Professor, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey & Kurt, S., Professor, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. Ordinary and Penalized Minimum Power-Divergence Estimators in Two-Way Contingency Tables.



Tuesday, June 12th, 2007


08:00-09:30 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session VI: Statistics III

Chair: Agnes Rash, Professor of Mathematics, Saint Joseph’s University, USA.


  1. Simon, R., Lecturer, London School of Economics, UK. The Structure of Non-zero-sum Stochastic Games.
  2. Gurunlu Alma, O., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey & Vupa, O., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. Comparison of Robust Models in Regression.



09:30-10:30 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session VII: Statistics IV

Chair: Robert Simon, Lecturer, London School of Economics, UK.


  1. Wang, I., Lecturer, Karlstad University, Sweden. Small-Sample Inference for Two-Sample Median Tests.
  2. Yalama, A., Researcher, Eskisehir Osmangazi University, Turkey & Sayilir, O., Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey. Financial Time Series Forecasting: an Application on Ise 100 Index after the Financial Crises of Turkey.
  3. Anthropelos, M., PhD Student, University of Texas at Austin, USA & Zitkovic, G., Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Austin, USA. Conditional Indifference Price and Investors' Agreement in Incomplete Markets.


10:30-12:00 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session VIII: Math Education I

Chair: Angelo Segalla, Professor of Mathematics, California State University, Long Beach, USA.


  1. Baggett, P., Professor, New Mexico State University, USA & Ehrenfeucht, A., Distinguished Professor, University of Colorado, USA. A New Non-Traditional University Calculus Course for Teachers and Future Teachers.
  2. Packel, E., Professor, Lake Forest College, USA. The Lambert W Function and Undergraduate Mathematics.
  3. Papageorgiou, E., Lecturer, Cyprus Pedagogical Institute, Cyprus & Christou, C., Associate Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus. Developing Students’ Ability in Solving Problems Concerning Sequences.
  4. Bloom, I., Faculty, Arizona State University, USA. Fostering Mathematical Thinking: The Case of Prospective Secondary Mathematics Teachers.


12:00-13:30 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session IX: Math Education II

Chair: Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.


  1. Mantyka, S., Director, Memorial University, Canada. The Math Plague: Teaching and Learning Strategies for Mathematics Under-Achievers.
  2. Millman, R., Professor, University of Kentucky, USA, Ma, X., Professor, University of Kentucky, USA & Wells, M., Graduate Student, University of Kentucky, USA. Constructing a Conceptual Mathematics Content Course with Integrated Assessment for Future Teachers.
  3. Segalla, A., Associate Professor, California State University, USA. Web-based Mathematics Homework: A Case Study Using WeBWorK in College Algebra Classes.
  4. Furuto, D., Associate Professor, Brigham Young University, Hawaii, USA & Furuto, M., Student, Brigham Young University, Hawaii, USA. A Study of the Effects of Peer Counseling and Mathematics Journals on Mathematics Achievement and Mathematics Attitude.
  5. Kelly, D., Professor, Marist College, USA & McShane, W., Professor, Polytechnic University, USA. Insights Into Guidance for Instructor Performance, Based Upon Student Course Evaluations Over Several Years.




13:30-14:30 Lunch


14:30-16:00 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session X: Math Education III

Chair: Nagambal Shah, Professor of Mathematics, Spelman College, USA.


  1. Papick, I., Professor, University of Missouri, USA, Olson, T., PhD Student, University of Missouri, USA & Regis, T., PhD Student, University of Missouri, USA. Some Perspectives on Patterns in Middle School Mathematics Curricula.
  2. Ndunda, M., Professor, College of Charleston, USA. Urban High Schools: Factors that Enhance and those that Impede the Learning of Science and Math.
  3. Shah, N., Professor, Spelman College, USA & Stephens, M., Associate Professor, Spelman College, USA. Environmental Statistics Practicum: A Project Based Interdisciplinary Model to Training Undergraduates.
  4. Davis, J., Assistant Professor, Western Michigan State University, USA. Postsecondary Mathematics Achievement of Students Learning from Traditional, Standards-based, and Advanced Placement Mathematics Programs. 



16:00-17:30 Tuesday, June 12th 2007

Session XI: Math Education IV

Chair: Ira Papick, Professor of Mathematics, University of Missouri-Columbia, USA


  1. Sheffield, L., Regents Professor, Northern Kentucky University, USA. The Kentucky Center for Mathematics: Enhancing the Teaching and Learning of Mathematics on a Statewide Level.
  2. Bishara, M., Professor Emeritus, Francis Marion University, USA, Hutchings, L., Associate Professor, Francis Marion University, USA, Peterson, L., Associate Professor, Francis Marion University, USA, Almasude, A., Educational Technology Consultant, USA, McCuaig, S., Associate Professor, Francis Marion University, USA & Brandis, J., Assistant Professor, Francis Marion University, USA. Algorithmic Balancing of Chemical Equations Without Matrix Algebra Using Only a Simple Element Register and Basic Arithmetic: Across Discipline Help for All Non-Majors.
  3. Wachsmuth, B., Associate Professor, Seton Hall University, USA. Tablet PC and Collaborative Software: A Case Study.
  4. Barton, L., Assistant Professor, Ball State University, USA. Frameworks for Learning:  Providing Authentic Learning Experiences Statistics Project in a Liberal Arts Mathematics Course.
  5. Hawkey, P., Headmaster, Crawford College, South Africa. World Cup South Africa 2010: A Golden Opportunity for Maths Teachers.


18:30 - 20:00 DINNER

 Wednesday, June 13th, 2007

CRUISE: Departure at 7:00 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.


Thursday, June 14th, 2007

Tour: Departure at 8:30 a.m. Return at 3:30 p.m.