9th International Conference on EDUCATION

May 28-31, 2007

Athens, Greece


Organized by


Conference Venue: Hellenic American Union, 22 Massalias Street, Kolonaki, Athens.

  Organizing and Scientific Committee

  1. Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER.
  2. Dr. Nicholas Pappas, Vice-President, ATINER & Associate Professor, Sam Houston University, USA.
  3. Dr. Chris Sakellariou, Secretary, ATINER & Associate Professor, Nanyang University, Singapore.
  4. Dr. John Pozios, Assistant Professor, TEI Athens & Member of the Council of the School of Pedagogical & Technological Education, Greece.
  5. Dr. Annabel Droussiotis, Academic Member, ATINER & Assistant Professor, Intercollege, Cyprus.
  6. Dr. Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER.
  7. Dr. Stephen James Hole, Academic Member, ATINER & Senior Lecturer, Swansea Institute of Higher Education, U.K.
  8. Dr. Angeliki Lazaridou, Researcher, ATINER, Greece.
  9. Dr. Jorja Manos Leap, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, UCLA School of Public Policy, USA.
  10. Dr. Georgia Markea, Academic Member, ATINER & Researcher, Pedagogical Institute, Greece.
  11. Dr. Stefanos Nastis, Academic Member, ATINER & University of Wyoming, USA.
  12. Dr. Nicolas Papadopoulos, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Carleton University, Canada.
  13. Dr. Donald V. Poochigian, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, University of North Dakota, USA.
  14. Dr. John Kelvyn Richards, Academic Member, ATINER, Greece.
  15. Dr. John Roufagalas, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Radford University, USA.
  16. Dr. Jin Wang, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, Kennesaw State University, USA.
  17. Dr. Leslie Stuart Woodcock, Academic Member, ATINER & Professor, University of Leeds, U.K.



Fani Balaska, Natasa Filiou, Eirini Lentzou , Thomas Papanikos, Sylia Sakka.


 (The time for each session includes a 10 minutes coffee break)

 Monday, May 28th  , 2007

 07:30-08:15 Registration

08:15-08:30 Welcome and Opening Remarks

Dr. Gregory T. Papanikos, President and Director, ATINER, Greece


08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session I:  (ROOM A)

Chair: Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER


Twombly, C., Chair, Montgomery College, USA & Dorworth, V., Professor, USA. Distance Learning:  Retaining the Academic Integrity of Web-based Distance Programming in the Community College Model of Education.

Goulao, M.F., Associate Professor, Open University, Portugal. Distance Learning and Gender.

du Toit, C., Lecturer, North-West University, South Africa. Open and Distance Learning in Teacher Training in South Africa, with Specific Reference to the North-West Province: Elucidating the Urgent Implementation of Distance Education for Teacher Training in South Africa.

08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session II:  (ROOM B)

Chair: Daraviras, T., Assistant Professor, CUNY-Brooklyn College, USA


Marcos, T., Director, Azusa Pacific University, USA. What’s Right With Me?  The Effects of Urban Teachers Identified Strengths on Teacher Efficacy in California’s Public Schools.

Daraviras, T., Assistant Professor, CUNY-Brooklyn College, USA. Utopia in the Classroom: Career Changers in Search of Fulfillment.

Simmons, R., Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK & Orr, K., Lecturer, University of Huddersfield, UK. Gender, Discourse and Power: Reflections on the post-compulsory Teacher Educator Workforce in England.

08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session III:  (ROOM C)

Chair: Schecter, S., Professor, York University, Canada



Kalpakidis, C., A., Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan & Stucker, J.R., Associate Professor, Hokkaido University, Japan. Low Birthrates: Sucking the Lifeblood out of Japanese Higher Education?

Bartram, B., Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton, UK. International Student Support – Characteristics, Constructions and Clashes.

Faccin, I., Researcher, University Libre of Bruxelles, Belgium & Wilkin, L., Associate Professor, University Libre of Bruxelles, Belgium. Exploring the Italian Deanship in the post-reformed University.

08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session IV:  (ROOM D)

Chair: Van der Westhuizen, P., Professor, North-West University, South Africa


Clark, K., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. Dyslexia: Inclusion, Entitlement and Legislative Change.

Ross-Watt, F., Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK. Included from the Start.

Lane, C., Ph.D. Student, Curtin University, Australia, Packer, T., Director, Curtin University, Australia & Dhaliwal, S., Associate Professor, Curtin University, Australia.  What Promotes Successful Inclusion for Children with Vision Impairment? Research Findings from Australia.

Hunt, K., Durham University, UK. Can Professionals Offering Support to Vulnerable Children in Kenya Benefit from Brief Play Therapy Training?


08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session V:  (ROOM E)

Chair: Woodcock, L. Senior Lecturer, School of Education, University of Leeds, UK


Hall, N., Reader, University of Greenwich, UK. Representing Mathematics in Museums' Collections and Displays

Meecham, P., Lecturer, University of London, UK. Learning to Interpret the New Museum.

Addison, N., Lecturer, University of London, UK. Fallen Angel: Art Students and the Making of Queer Identities.



08:30-10:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session VI:  (ROOM F)

Chair: Katsas, G., Head, Sociology Research Unit, ATINER & Professor, The American College of Greece-Deree College, Greece.


Martin-Smith, A., Lecturer, University of London & Isniura, M., Designer, Freelance Artist, UK. Looking for Shakespeare: Transformation of Adolescent Identity in the Journey of Pericles.

 Kesner, J., Associate Professor, Georgia State University, USA. Attitudes and Perceptions of Child Maltreatment and Mandated Reporting of Preservice Teachers in the United States.

Neophytou, L., Special Teaching Personnel, University of Cyprus, Cyprus & Koutselini, M., Associate Professor, University of Cyprus, Cyprus. Emotional Intelligence: The Trojan Horse of Performativity into the Teachers’ Soul.

10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session VII: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Twombly, C., Chair, Montgomery College, USA


Vardin, P., Chair, Early Childhood Education Manhattanville College, USA. Using Technology to Assess Young Children’s Progress in the Early Childhood Classroom.

Geske, A., Associate Professor, University of Latvia, Latvia & Grinfelds, A., Associate Professor, University of Latvia, Latvia. Teachers’ Competence in ICT Use in Education System of Latvia.

Auzina, A., Ph.D. Student & Lecturer of the University of Latvia. Latvia. Managing the Demands of the 24-hour Society in Education.



10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session VIII: (ROOM B )

Chair: Marina Stefania Giannakaki, Deputy Head, Research Unit of Education, ATINER


Urwin, P., Researcher, University of Westminster, UK & Buscha, F., Researcher, University of Westminster, UK. The Impact of Part-time Work and Truancy on Compulsory Educational Attainment in the United Kingdom: Evidence from the Youth Cohort Study.

Kallitsoglou, A., Ph.D. Student, Thomas Coram Research Unit, UK. Academic Related Difficulties of Greek Children with Teacher Rated Conduct Problems.

Fonseca, J., Researcher, University of Algarve, Portugal & Centro de Investigacao da Faculdade de Ciencias da Universidade de Lisboa, Portugal & Conboy, J., Associate Professor, Instituto Universitário Afonso III, Portugal. Secondary Student Perceptions of Factors Effecting Failure in Science and their Suggestions for Improvement.

Savic, M., Associate Professor, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. Quality Control of the Grading Process According to the ECTS Systems.

10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session IX: (ROOM  C)

Chair: Mass, E. Ph.D. Student, Derby University, Israel


Hwang, Y.S., Associate Professor, California State University, USA & Vrongistinos, K., Associate Professor, California State University, USA. Immigrant Teachers’ Understanding of Teaching Limited English Proficiency (LEP) Students.

Cabral, A., Professor, Fernando Pessoa University, Portugal & Costa, E., Professor, Fernando Pessoa University, Portugal. From Multiculturalism to Interculturalism: A Compulsory Route.

Petere, A., Associate Professor, Associate Professor, Riga Teacher Training and Management Academy, Latvia & Volane, E., Associate Professor, Riga Teacher Training and Management Academy, Latvia. Upbringing and Study Process in Multicultural Environment in Basic School.

Mass, E., Ph.D. Student, Derby University, Israel. Argumentation Analysis Helps Understand Educators' Resistance to Multicultural Interventions.

10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session X: (ROOM  D)

Chair: Clark, K., Senior Lecturer, University of Strathclyde, UK


Passells, V., Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand., Bartley, A., Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand & Tipi, Fa’amalua, Lecturer, University of Auckland, New Zealand. Bridging to Tertiary Education and Beyond – Bridging Education in New Zealand.   

Kitagaki, I., Associate Professor, Hiroshima University, Japan. Consciousness Survey on a Harmonious Human Resource Development For Higher Education And The Data Analysis.

Kruger, S., Senior Lecturer, North West University, South Africa. Lecturing and Learning “Non-Technical Skills” in Universities of Technology.

 Markus, K., Ph.D. Student, University of Latvia, Latvia. Increasing Competition in Latvian Higher Education.



10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XI: (ROOM  E)

Chair: Meecham, P., Senior Lecturer, University of London, UK


Starkie Gavari, E.I., Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain. The Elements, Challenges and Possibilities of a Common European Education Policy for  the New Millenium.

Hammad, W., Researcher, University of East Anglia, UK. Barriers to Teacher Participation in Decision-Making in Egyptian Secondary Schools

Ali, S., Ph.D. Student, University of Edinburgh, UK. Poor Policy Communication as a Barrier to Desired Policy Outcomes-A Case From Pakistan.

Trisokka, L., Ph.D. Student, University of Warwick, UK. School Leadership Behaviour-Teacher Job Satisfaction: How to create a Happy Marriage. Introducing a Model of Responsive School Leadership.


10:00-11:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XII: (ROOM  F)

Chair: Martin-Smith, A., Associate Professor, Block University, Canada


Soreide, G.E., Associate Professor, University of Bergen, Norway & Samara, A., Associate Professor, University of Berger, Norway. Educational Policy Documents as a Framework for Teacher Identity Construction: The Case of Norway.

Allen, M., Lecturer, Brunel University, UK. Does Elicitation of Learners’ Emotions Contribute to the Successful Realigning of Trainee Postgraduate Primary Teachers’ Misconceptions in Science.

Gonzalez, P.F., Assistant Professor, Azores University, Portugal. Construction of Pedagogical and Professional Needs.

Oguz, V., Lecturer, Inonu University, Turkey, Koksal Akyol, A., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Yildiz Biçakçi, M., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. A Research on the Empathic Skills and the Attitudes towards their Profession of Preservice Teachers of Early Childhood Education.

11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XIII: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Geske, A., Associate Professor, University of Latvia, Latvia


Jones, D., Director, Brunel University, UK & Ludhra, G., Lecturer, Brunel University, UK. Speaking, Listening, Planning and Assessing: The Teachers’ Role in Developing Metacognitive Awareness.

Pfiester, J., Researcher, Boise State University, USA. Instructional Learning Teams: Combining the Power of Japanese Lesson Study with Intellectual Quality.

El Rouadi, N., Associate Professor, Balamand University, Lebanon. Conducting a Meta Cognitive Process of Education.

Aslan, C., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Polat, D., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Content Analysis on Primary Education Turkish Course Books From the Point of Acquiring Critical Thinking Skills.


11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XIV: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Keng, N., Ph.D. Student, University of York, UK


Liu, P.-L., Assistant Professor, National Chia-Yi University, Taiwan & Chen, C-J., Assistant Professor, National Kaohsiung First University of Science and Technology, Taiwan. A Study of the Effects of Computer-Assisted Concept Mapping Strategy on Students’ English Reading. (Monday, 28th May 2007)

Halpin, D., Professor, Institute of Education, University of London, UK. Pedagogy and Love: Reclaiming Passion in Educational Practice.

Pancholi, P., Researcher, University of Leicester, UK. Efficacy of Computer Assisted Language Learning (Call) Software For English: An Exploration.

Keng, N., Ph.D. Student, University of York, UK. Implementing and Resisting Changes in EFL Teaching in Taiwan.


11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XV: (ROOM  C)

Chair: Volane, E., Associate Professor, Riga Teacher Training and Management Academy, Latvia


Coyle, E., Assistant Professor, Elizabethtown College, USA. Preparing Preservice Teachers in Classrooms Management: Analysis of a Model Program and Effective Pedagogical Practices.

Palaniandy, S., EdD Student, University of Leicester, UK. Teacher Behaviour Versus Student Behaviour. A Study on the Influence of Teacher Characteristics upon Student Behavioral Management in Malaysian Secondary Schools.

Basurto, I., Associate Professor, California State University, USA & Parks, J., Associate Professor, California State University, USA. In School Shootings:  Violence Inside American Public Schools.

Hlalele, D., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa. Addressing Challenging Learner Behaviour in Smart Schools: A South African Perspective.

Ikiz, F.E., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey, Ekinci Vural, D., Researcher, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey & Argun, Y., Associate Professor, Dokuz Eylul University, Turkey. Future Key for Prevention of Conflict in Schools: Anger and Communication Skills of Preschool Teacher and Counselor Candidates.


11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007 

11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XVI: (ROOM  D)

Chair: Kruger, S., Senior Lecturer, North West University, South Africa


Schecter, S., Professor, York University, Canada. Parent Involvement AS Education: Action Research in Multilingual and Multicultural Urban Schools.

Lam, H., Associate Professor, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Can Norms Developed in One Country Be Applicable to Children of Other Country?

ter Avest, K.H., Researcher, CHN University Leeuwarden, the Netherlands. Acquiring Culture and Tradition: ‘learning by heart’.



11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XVII: (ROOM  E)

Chair: Gavari, E.I., Professor, Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia, Spain


Hodnik Cadez, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Teachers as Researchers of their Teaching Practice.

Back, J., Ph.D. Student, The University of York, UK. How do Cultural Factors Affect Research?

Podgornik, V., Assistant, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia, Vogrinc, J., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Devjak, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Research as a Factor of Teacher's Professional Development.

11:30-13:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XVIII: (ROOM  F)

Chair: Gonzalez, P.F., Assistant Professor, Azores University, Portugal


Richards, W., Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK. Enny Meeny Miny Mo: Assesing the Impact of Racism in Early Childhood.

Richards, L., Lecturer, University of Wolverhampton, UK. What Lies Beneath? A Study of White Student-Practitioners Perceptions of Race and Their Race and their Impact on Practice.

Reis, S., Professor, Federal University of the State Coimbra University, Brasil & Hora, D., Professor, Federal University of the State Coimbra University. Ethnicknowledge for a Ethnicrecognition: the importance of differentiated education for the construction of the public and popular education in Rio De Janeiro (Brasil).




13:00-14:30 LUNCH


14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XIX: (ROOM  A)

Chair: El Rouadi, N., Associate Professor, Balamand University, Lebanon


Dincer, C., Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. The Effect and Permanance of Interpersonal Problem Solving Training on the Categories Used by Five-Year Olds. 

Ulutas, I., Assistant Professor, Gazi University, Turkey, Ceylan, S., Assistant Professor, Gazi University, Turkey & Omeroglu, E., Associate Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Validity and Reliability of the Perspective of the Child Inventory.

Celik, M., Lecturer, Cukurova University, Turkey & Tumkaya, S., Lecturer, Cukurova University, Turkey & Aybek, B., Lecturer, Cukurova University, Turkey. An Investigation of Students’ Life Satisfaction and Loneliness Levels in a Sample of Turkish Students.

Durualp, E., Lecturer, Ankara University, Turkey. Examination of Some Factors Affecting the Level of Test Anxiety of Eight Grade Students.

Gursoy, F., Associate Professor, Turkey & Yildiz Bicakci, M., Research Assistant, Turkey. Study on the Level of Locus of Control Children of Lower Socio-Economic Level, Attending Second Phase of Elementary Education.           

14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XX: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Smrekar Jocelynn, Associate Professor, Clarion University of Pennsylvania. USA


Monteiro, A.R., Associate Professor, University of Lisbon, Portugal. Professional Ethics in Education: A Theoretical and Normative Framework.

Valencic Zuljan, M., Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Principal Task with Regard to Novice Teachers.

Devjak, T., Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Vogrinc, J., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. The Importance of Education and Additional Training for the Professional Development of Teachers.

14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXI: (ROOM C)

Chair: Vardin, P., Chair Early Childhood Education Manhattanville College, USA 


Shi, J., Professor, Center for Human Development & Education, Institute of Psychology, China. Enlightening the Mathematical Talents of Children in Kindergarten.

Manfreda Kolar, V., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Representations of Addition and Subtraction Problems among Preschool Children.

Erdogan, S., Ph.D. Student, Anadolu University, Turkey, Baran, G., Associate Professor, Ankara University School of Home Economics, Turkey & Butun Ayhan, A., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Investigation of Mathematical Abilities of Six Years Old Kindergarten Children Based on Some Variables.

Brandis, J., Assistant Professor, Francis Marion University, USA. Algorithmic Balancing of Chemical Equations without Matrix Algebra Using Only a Simple Element Register and Basic Arithmetic: Across Discipline Help for All.

14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

 14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXII: (ROOM  D)

Chair: Richards, W., Lecturer, University of Birmingham, UK. 


 Gokdag, E., Assistant Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey. Educating the Audiences through Catharsis: A Comparison of Augusto Boal and Aristotle’s Perception of Catharsis.

Inceefe, S., Lecturer, Anadolu University, Turkey. From Normative Ethic’s Point of View Ancient Greek Drama and Aristotelean Theatre.

Spalletti, S., Researcher, University of Macerata, Italy. Education and History of Economic Thought: From Adam Smith to the “Residue of Ignorance” (1776-1964).

Ustun, E., Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Preschool Reading and Writing Studies in Turkey.



14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXIII: (ROOM  E)

Chair: Hodnik Cadez, T., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia


Rodrigues da Costa, A., Assistant Professor, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal. Cognitive Style, Autonomy and Parenting Style: What Relations?

Ozturk, M.K., Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Yurdugül, H., Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Investigation of Social Studies Items with Respect to Gender in Terms of Differential Item Functioning.

Gomezelj Omerzel, D., Researcher, University of Primorska, Slovenia & Trunk Sirca, N., Assistant Professor, University of Primorska, Slovenia. It is not Important where and how we Learn; What Counts is the Knowledge we Acquired.

Bardwell, R., Associate Professor, Marquette University, USA. Strategic Planning with Transformational Assessment


14:30-16:00 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXIV: (ROOM  F)

Chair: Van der Westhuizen, B., Associate Professor, North-West University, South Africa


Rezvanfar, A., Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran. Impact of Internal and External Antecedents on Market Orientation of the Aquaculture Higher Education Departments in Iran.

Thwala, W.D., Lecturer, University of Johannesburg, South Africa. A Comparison in Performance between Mature Entry and Matriculation Entry Students Focusing on the National Diploma in Building at the University of Johannesburg, South Africa.

Mohd Yusoff, N., Associate Professor, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia. Active Learning and Student-Faculty Interaction: The Case of Malaysia and the United Arab Emirates.

Cecen, A.R., Assistant Professor, Cukurova University, Turkey. Loneliness and Humor Styles Relationships among University Students in a Sample of Urban Turkish University.

16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXV: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Dincer, C., Professor, Ankara University, Turkey


Baranauskiene, I., Associate Professor & Dean, Siauliai University, Lithuania. Vocational Training of the Disabled Youth: Directions of Improvement.

Elijosius, E., Lecture & Vice Dean, Siauliai University, Lithuania & Rimeikyte, A., Foreign Coordinator, Siauliai University, Lithuania. The Structure of Vocational Self-Determination of Youth (from the age of 14) with Mild Intellectual Disabilities in Educational Process.

Fazlioglu, Y., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey & Baran, G., Associate Professor, University of Ankara, Turkey. Validity and Reliability Study of a Sensory Evaluation Form for Children with Autism

Turan, D.E., Researcher, Selcuk University, Turkey & Aral. N., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. A Study on the Visual Perception Behavior of 60-71 Month Children in Low Socio-Economic Levels Who Attend and Do Not Attend Preschool (Konya City Sample).


16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXVI: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Purutcuoglou E., Researcher, Department of Family and Consume Sciences School of Home Economics, University of Ankara, Turkey


Ozcelik, A.O., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey, Yardimci, H., Ministry of Health, Gölbaşı Education – Research, Turkey & Ucar, A., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. The Impact of Nutrition Education Provided for Elementary School 5th Grade Students on Nutritional Knowledge.

Cekal, N., Assistant Professor, Pamukkale University, Turkey. The Effect of Nutrition Education Programme on the Cooks' Knowledge of Nutrition and Food Preparation- Cooking Methods.

Akan, L.S., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Surucuoglu, M.S., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Ozcelik, A.O., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Importance of Nutrition Education.(Monday, 28th May 2007)

Hakli Demir, G., Researcher, Selcuk University, Turkey & Aktas, N., Assistant Professor, Selcuk University, Turkey. Does Nutrition Education Effect Healthy Food Preferences of Undergraduates?

 Ucar, A., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey 7 Cakiroglu, F.P., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Kus, S., Economist, Baskent University, Turkey. The Points of View of Primary School Teachers on Nutrition Education. (Monday, 28th May 2007)  

16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXVII: (ROOM  C)

Chair: Palaniandy, S., EdD Student, University of Leicester, UK


 Akbayrak, B., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey & Durmusoglu, M.C., Ph.D. Student, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Opinions of the Teachers about Three Dimensional Art Work in Pre-School Education.

Alp, K.O., Assistant Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. The Reasons of Tendencies for Art and Art Education of Students Having Applied Arts Education at University Level in Turkey.

Cetintas, V., Associate Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Rudolf Belling’s Contributions to Education of Turkish Sculpture.

Cittir, T., Researcher, Gazi University, Turkey, Kayabasi, N., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Sanli, H.S., Assistant Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Expectations and Satisfaction Level of the Trainees at the Handicrafts Courses Arranged within the Framework of Expanded Education.


16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXVIII: (ROOM  D)

Chair: Rodrigues da Costa, A., Assistant Professor, Universidade Fernando Pessoa, Portugal


Bulca, Y., Researcher, Hacettepe University, Turkey. The Opinions of High School Class One Students and Physical Training Teachers as to Activities that Should be Included in the Scope of the Physical Training Course.

Butun Ayhan, A., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey &  Köksal Akyol, A., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. A Study on Anxiety Levels of Adolescents.

 Chow, P., Lecturer, The Hong Kong Institute of Education, Hong Kong. Dance Learning – Is it a Constraint for Pre-Service Physical Education Teacher?


16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXIX: (ROOM  E)

Chair: Mohd Yusoff, N., Associate Professor, Universiti Utara Malaysia, Malaysia.


Yildiz Bicakci, M., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Gursoy, F., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Study on Attitudes of Teachers of Preschool Education towards Game Activities.

Devjak, S., Full Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia & Stare, J., Lecturer, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Practical Training Based on Problem Based Learning within Study of Public Administration, Case Slovenia.

Karaoz, B., Researcher, Gazi University, Turkey. Management of Time at Working Process

16:00-17:30 Monday, May 28th  2007

Session XXX: (ROOM  F)

Chair: Rezvanfar, A., Associate Professor, University of Tehran, Iran.



Lepicnik Vodopivec, J., Assistant Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia. The Role of Adults in Media Education in Kindergarten.

Karaman, G., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Ustun, E., Associate Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Analysis Phonological Awareness of Children Who Attends Preschool In Different Socio-Cultural Level.

Akgun, E., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. Career Counseling Based Training Program for the Mothers of the Kindergarden Children: A Pilot Study.

Alifanoviene, D., Associate Professor, Siauliai University, Lithuania.  L.Vygotsky’s Sociocultural Concept in the Context of Education Studies.






08:30-10:00 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

08:30-10:00 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXI: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Gokdag, E., Assistant Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey


Berkant, H.G., Researcher, Cukurova University, Turkey & Karakus, M., Assistant Professor, Cukurova University, Turkey. The Evaluation of Primary School Teachers’ Vies on the Application of Constructive Learning Based Primary School Curriculum in Turkey: Adana City Sample.

Gultekin, M., Assistant Professor, Anadolu University, Turkey, Yilmaz, F., Researcher, Anadolu University, Turkey, Ozden, M., Researcher, Anadolu University, Turkey. The Evaluation of Science and Technology Curriculum in Respect of Problem Areas in Curriculum Development Determined by Oliva.

Sicherl-Kafol, B., Assistant Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Interdisciplinary Connections in the Framework of Curriculum Planning.

08:30-10:00 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXII: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Sever R., Senior Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel.


 Denac, O., Associate Professor, University of Maribor, Slovenia. The Influence of the Curricular Reforms on the Educational Process of Music Education in Slovene Kindergartens.

Ayse Esran, A., Associate Professor, Marmara University, Turkey & Sena, G.O., Associate Professor, Marmara University, Turkey. Measurement of Musical Perception.

Ozdemir, M., Instructor, Gazi University, Turkey & Guler, M., Professor, Gazi University, Turkey. Thematic Evaluation of the Theses Completed at Gazi University Vocational Education Faculty the Departments of Handcrafts Education.

Sever, R., Lecturer, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel. Students' Expectations from their Teachers in Elementary, Junior High and High School.

08:30-10:00 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXIII: (ROOM  C)

Chair: Cekal, N., Assistant Professor, Pamukkale University, Turkey.


Ozdal, F., Director, Ankara University, Turkey & Aral, N., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey, Gursoy, F., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey & Dizman, H., Director, Ankara University, Turkey. A Study od Depression Levels in Children from Single-Parent and Two-Parent Families.

Ceylan, R., Associate Professor, Ahi Evran University, Turkey & Aral, N., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. An Analysis of Depression Levels in Mothers with and without Disabled Children.

Ahmetoglu, E., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey & Aral, N., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey. A Study on the Anxiety Levels of Mothers who Have Children with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder.

Purutcuoglu, E., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey, Ozkan, Y., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. Investigating the Environmental Needs of Primary School Students at the Low Socioeconomic Level.

10:00-11:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

10:00-11:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXIV: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Demirezen, M., Academic Teaching Member, Hacettepe University, Turkey


Toy Liman, B., Ms.C, Ankara University, Turkey & Baran, G., Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. A Study on the Self-Concept Levels of 15-17 Years old Adolescents Getting or not Getting Art Education.

Hamamci, Z., Associate Professor, Gaziantep University, Turkey & Gülsüm Ançel, Associate Professor, Ankara University, Turkey. The Investigation of the Relationship between Early Maladaptive Schemas and Loneliness.

Suh, W-J., Ph.D. Student, University of London, UK. Improving Visitors’ Learning Experience in Museum: For Better Communication and an Environment.


10:00-11:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXV: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Alifanoviene, D., Associate Professor, Siauliai University, Lithuania


Vanwing, T., Professor, Free University of Brussels, Belgium & Buffel, T., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium. Investigating Socio-Cultural Adult Educators: A Survey on Professionals’ Beliefs, Experiences, and Context.

Vaidya, S., Associate Professor, Drexel University, USA & Betts, K., Associate Professor, Drexel University, USA. A Study of Teacher Development in a Virtual Learning Community Environment.

Buffel, T., Researcher, Free University of Brussels, Belgium & Vanwing, T., Professor, Free University of Brussels, Belgium.  Making Meaning of Socio-Cultural Adult Education.

Navickiene, L., Ph.D. Student, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania & Navikiene, Z., Ph.D. Student, Vytautas Magnus University, Lithuania. Social Partnership as an Assumption for Qualitative Career Guidance Services.

10:00-11:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXVI: (ROOM  C)

Chair: Devjak, S., Full Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia



Manuel Salvador, A.L., Assistant Professor, University of the Azores, Portugal. Confronting Languages Contributions of the Audiovisual Advertising   Discourse to the Audiovisual Pedagogical Discourse Contributions to Education.

Doyran, F., Instructor, Middle East Technical University, Turkey. Creating Win-Win Language Classrooms.

Arslan, B., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey & Dayioglu, S., Instructor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Mistakes in Thinking: Can Writing Serve the Needs of Developing Criticality in Thinking?

 Godwyll, F., Assistant Professor, Ohio State University, USA. Reconceptualization of the Brain Drain Phenomenon and its Impact on Educational Planning in Africa.



11:30-13:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007


11:30-13:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXVII: (ROOM  A)

Chair: Purutcuoglu, E., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey


 Stara, J., Assistant Professor, Charles University, Czech Republic. How to Prepare Teachers to Teach for Democracy.

Van Wyk, M., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa. Teacher Use and Training Related to Cooperative Learning as a Teaching Strategy for Economic Education.

Demirezen, M., Academic teaching member, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Identification of English Consonant Phonemes as Fossilized Pronunciation Errors for Turkish Teachers of the English Language.

Kalin, J., Associate Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia. Schools as a Learning Organizations and Teacher's Professional Development.

Fragkouli, E., Researcher, University of Warwick, UK & Pritchard, A., Associate Professor, University of Warwick, UK. An Investigation of an ICT In-service Teacher Training Programme in Greece: A Case Study. (Tuesday, 29th May 2007)

 Milondzo, K.S., Lecturer, University of the Free State, South Africa. Factors Perceived by Secondary School Principals of Eastern Free State as Stressors in their Sphere of Operation.


11:30-13:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXVIII: (ROOM  B)

Chair: Bardwell, R., Associate Professor, Marquette University, USA


Stary, K., Associate Professor, Charles University, Czech Republic. Potential of Internal Change in School.

Krastins, V., Assistant Professor, Riga Teachers Training, Latvia. Education Policy and School Leaders.

Malakolunthu, S., Lecturer, University of Malaya, Malaysia. Education Reform Implementation in Malaysian Schools: Challenges for Principals.

Lusena-Ezera, I., Ph.D. Student, University of Latvia, Latvia. The Use of Teamwork Principles in the Schools of General Education.

Gungor, S., Researcher, Ankara University, Turkey. The Opinions of School Principals, Teachers and Inspectors about the Paradigms in Educational Administration.

Gopala Iyer, M., Teacher, National Secondary School in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. The Characteristics of School Effectiveness in the context of National Secondary Schools: A Case Study From The Perceptions of Principal.

11:30-13:30 Tuesday, May 29th  2007

Session XXXIX: (ROOM C)

Chair: Ahmetoglu, E., Assistant Professor, Trakya University, Turkey


 Bonnet, L., Associate Professor, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, USA, Sayre, N., Dean, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, USA & Smrekar, J., Associate Professor, Clarion University of Pennsylvania, USA. Enriching Children’s Literacy Skills through the CREATE Project.

Hurych, J., Professor, Northern Illinois University, USA. Is Literacy Possible without Books? Brief History of Ideas on the Future of Books and Libraries.

Van der Westhuizen, B., Associate Professor, North-West University, South Africa. Spivey-Constructivism and the Multi-, Inter- and Transdisciplinary Teaching of Academic Writing on Children’s Literature in Tertiary Education.

Yangin, B., Assistant Professor, Hacettepe University, Turkey. Relationship Between “Readiness” and “Reading-Writing Performances”.




13:30-15:00 LUNCH


 18:30 - 20:00 DINNER


Wednesday, May 30th, 2007

CRUISE: Departure at 7:00 a.m. Return at 8:30 p.m.


Thursday, May 31st, 2007

Archaeological Tour: Departure at 8:30 a.m. Return at 3:30 p.m.