Reflections on Education and Business
Edited by Niki
ISBN: 960-6672-05-0, 400 pages, Hardback
First published in 2006
Price: Paperback: 50€ (It includes Shipping and Handling) Hardcover: 90€ (It includes Shipping
and Handling)
Electronic copy: 30€
Table of Contents
Acknowledgements |
ix |
of Contributors |
xi |
International Reflections on Education
and Business: An Introduction to Key Themes Niki Kyriakidou |
1 |
Part I : Current
Issues on Education
1. |
Transformation of the Education System
for a Knowledge-based Economy. A Case-study of Papayah Guruvadoo
9 |
2. |
Heterogeneity in the Returns to Education
and Experience: Evidence from a High and a Low Income S.E. Asian Country Chris Sakellariou
29 |
3. |
‘Postmodern Uncertainties’ in Education for Sustainable Development: Philosophical and Methodological
Considerations Joy Hardy
49 |
4. |
About the M About the Management of New University Ene Grauberg and Anneli Laane-Thamdrup |
65 |
5. |
On the Road to Entrepreneurial University Pasi Malinen and Timo E. Toivonen
75 |
6. |
The On-line Academy’: More of the Same or a New Phenomenon? Connie Marsh and Kelvyn Richards |
89 |
7. |
Mid Monica Eklund and Olle Nyberg |
105 |
8. |
to Be Critically Reflective -The Rewards and the Challenges for Caring
Teachers John E. Ottewell |
121 |
9. |
The Perception and Practice of Political Education among Jordanian Teachers in Mohammad Sayel
N. Al-Zyoud |
131 |
10. |
What Secondary School to Choose? Factors Influencing School Choice in
Comparative Perspective Merike Darmody |
145 |
11. |
Family Support: Raising Educational
Achievement and Tackling Social Exclusion Brian Boyd |
161 |
12. |
Evaluation of the Introduction of Subject Specifications and Initial Teacher
Education of Adult Literacy, Numeracy and ESOL in Norman
177 |
13. |
Robert Munro and Christine Percival |
189 |
14. |
Student Perceptions of Quantitative Skills Abilities, and Subsequent
Performance in Quantitative Skills Testing Peter J. Urwin and Philip F.
Hedges |
201 |
15. |
International Computer Literacy Certification
Programs and their Applications in Aslıhan Tüfekci |
215 |
16. |
Non-Market Involvement as a Basis for Strategy in Graduates Transition
Towards Employment Guy
Tchibozo |
225 |
17. |
Students’ Motivation and Use of Learning Strategies: Turkish Version of Motivated
Strategies for Learning Questionnaire Sener Buyukozturk, Ozcan Erkan Akgun and Funda Demirel |
233 |
Part II: Management
Practices and Professional
Development |
18. |
HRM Guiding Principles and HRM Practices: Evidence
from SMEs in a Developing Country |
249 |
19. |
Company Practices of Cypriot Firms:
Perceptual Differences between Employers and Employees Annabel Droussiotis |
261 |
20. |
Performance Measurements and Market Value of the Firm Adriana Knapkova and Daniel Remes
277 |
21. |
Turning Managers Into Leading
Managers: The Impact of Leadership Development at Middle Manager Level in a
City Council Organisation Barbara Dexter, Gino Franco, John
Chamberlin, Paul Dexter, Simon Hann and Mark Edwards |
289 |
22. |
The Impact of Cognitive Style and Attitudinal-Value Orientation on the Adults’ Decision to Involve in
Training Programs Ramona
307 |
23. |
The Relationships Between Personality and Job Satisfaction Abdul Kadir Othman, Mohd Khirzan Badzli Abdul Rahman and Raja Munirah Raja Mustapha
319 |
24. |
with the Concept of Workflow-embedded Advanced Training in Qualifying IT
Specialists in Walter Mattauch
and Katja Manski |
333 |
25. |
Development Partnership: Juha Valtanen, Antti Paasio and Petteri Sinervo |
345 |
26. |
Correlation Between the Reduced Performance Capacity in
Advanced Age and the Benefits of Strength Training Erika Dilger |
359 |
27. |
How to Enhance Professional Development Dr Silva Karkoulian |
373 |